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7 Important Things to Remember When Designing Dental Websites

If someone doesn’t like your dental websites, that’s equivalent to someone rejecting your product outrightly. The website is their first interaction with your profession. The usability and appearance of your website can convince people to want to have their teeth checked by you. What they find on your website will influence their decision to book […]

Dental Websites 101: Six Important Website Pages

Your dental websites are a crucial part of your dental marketing strategy, especially today, in the landscape of online technology. More potential patients are making use of online technology to reach out to the dental practices that they want to go to in order to address their dental health concerns. Because of the important role […]

Dental Marketing: 4 Things You Have to Know About Your Competitors

You’ve already learned that knowing your audience is the best way to craft effective dental marketing. But there’s another thing you might have overlooked, and it’s equally important. You have to know what your competitors are up to. The information and data you will get from knowing your competitors’ best practices, techniques, and challenges will […]

What Kind of Content Do You Need to Update on Your Dental Websites?

Over time, you have to update the content on your dental websites. Partly, it is for Google. Partly, it is for your patients. You want them to have access to the most updated information. By updating the content of your website, you are giving them that. Isn’t that the purpose of your website? It should […]

Dental Websites Need Visual Appeal to Succeed

When you have dental websites made for your dental practice, you’re going to want to maximize these to their full potential. After all, in the age of the internet, your website is a powerful tool that can do a lot for the benefit of your practice and maximizing patient rates for your practice. Because of […]

The Most Effective Colors for Dental Websites Explained

By far, the most important decision you’ll ever make for your dental websites is not whether or not you need one (because you need it, that’s a given), but what color should it be. Modern color theory will tell you that color has a powerful hold on people. It can create or change perceptions about […]

Using the Word Emergency for Dental Marketing

Have you ever experienced needing an emergency dental practice but you can’t call anyone? The pain from a dental emergency is so unbearable that you’d want to extract the tooth yourself. So, if you’re looking for a way to attract patients to your practice, you can use the word “emergency” in your dental marketing campaigns. […]

A Dental Websites Guide to Blogging

Anybody who is working in the dental industry recognizes the role that online technology is playing for the progression of this industry. Because of its importance, more and more dental practices are having dental websites made for their practices, as this allows them to increase their reach and obtain more potential patients. There are many […]

Dental Marketing Ideas: Understanding SWOT Analysis

A great dental marketing strategy means being able to attract around 40 to 50 new patients each month. That’s a sign that you have a great campaign. But how do you arrive at this great strategy? How do you start creating a campaign that will sustain your dental practice’s needs? All business decisions must go […]

Should You Update the Old Content on Your Dental Websites?

You cannot think of anything to write about on your dental websites. You’re fresh out of ideas. It seems that you have already written and talked about all the tips you can about taking care of your patients’ teeth and gums. What more can you write about? Look at your older posts (articles from when […]