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What is Dental Email Marketing?

Big Smile Dental Email Marketing remains one of the most effective way to connect with your customers and nurture that relationship. Even amid the rise of social media, the fastest method of communication in today’s world, emailing newsletters and offers to customers is a highly effective digital marketing strategy that has a high percentage of success.

Email marketing, managed by Big Smile, allows your dental practice to generate new dental patients and create leads 24/7, even without someone answering questions on the telephone or selling through chat and social media. By simply sending a targeted message to your prospective buyers, you could convert prospects into customers, even loyal, raving fans of your brand.

Dental Email Marketing is Targeted

Not often would you find marketing strategies targeted to a specific audience or even an individual. This is the power of email marketing. Gone are the days of placing advertisements on television, radio, and newspaper without any control of who will see these ads and what effect they could have on them. With emails, you have the ability to control exactly who sees the content and segment your contact based on their demographics, their lead statuses, their location, and other data. By crafting these emails according to your target, the audience will receive a message that is specific to their needs.



Your Dental Email Marketing is Easily Shared

When you share a post or a link on Facebook, your friends would know whether you like or dislike the post or the link depending on what kind of emoticon you plan to use. But you have no control as to who will see these posts because Facebook is a vast world. Even if you target a specific group of friends, there is no guarantee that they will see your post on the thousands of information they see on their feeds. By simply clicking the forward button on an email, you are sharing the deals, offers, and news with your friends. You are acting as a brand ambassador, and your friends are more likely to open an email from you than one from a random ecommerce website.

Email Marketing is Measurable

One of the hardest things about marketing is collection the numbers. That means the percentage of success of the marketing strategy. There is no exact science to computing the results of a marketing method. Email marketing has that power. There are several ways to draw precise and valuable metrics, including subscriber retention rates, delivery rates, open rates, and click-to-deliver rates. These metrics can give you an insight about customer behaviors and interests. You can use email marketing to monitor the information which your customers are most respondent to. From there, you can begin creating more successful methods to reaching and persuading clients.

Email Marketing is Cost-Effective

The most appealing advantage of email marketing is the fact that it is tremendously affordable. The return of investment is high and promising, and there are no postage fees, no advertising rates, no print costs, and no airtime charges. It is the most affordable, the cheapest marketing vehicle. 

Big Smile uses dental email marketing as a strong part of our clients dental marketing mix. We’ll show you how this will be an integral part of our strategy for your dental practice.

Big Smile Dental Marketing –
Proven Solutions

Dental Website Development

Your website is the hub of all marketing activity. Big Smile builds sites that turn visitors into new patients.

Dental SEO

Big Smile knows SEO. We work exclusively with Dentists across the nation to increase their reach online and attract new patients.

Dental Content Marketing

Let Big Smile show you why Content Marketing should be a part of your online marketing mix.

Social Media Marketing

Social Media is one of the best ways to build a sense of community with potential patients. Big Smile has the tools and knowledge to set you apart from your competitors.

Pay Per Click Advertising

Do you need to reach new patients, and fast? A well planned and executed PPC Campaign can get your message out to your target audience quick.

Dental Email Marketing

Looking for a way to increase revenue from your existing patient base? Email Marketing can lead to more visits and increase your recurring revenue.