Why Is Overpromoting Bad For Dental Patient Marketing?
Overpromoting is bad, bad, bad. So many marketers in dental patient marketing are making the mistake of overpromoting the dental practice and even the website. it’s bad enough that we are surrounded by ads on television and social media, we expect more from our dentists, right? If you want to make sure that you are […]
Should Your Dental Websites Have a Custom Design?
As a dental practice in today’s modern age, having dental websites built for your practice is not an uncommon idea. However, if this is your first time having a site built for your practice, you need to consider the extent of what kind of site you want for your dental practice. In this case, if […]
How Your Dental Patient Marketing Benefits From Great Content
When it comes to your dental patient marketing, you have to make sure that you utilize all of the channels that are currently at your disposal to make the most out of it. And when you’re talking about an effective online marketing strategy, content should lie at the foundation of this, specifically, good content. No […]
Dental Practice Marketing: How To Remarket Ads To Attract More Patients
A dental practice marketing will be easier implemented if the target market it is trying to attract is aware of the dental practice and what it offers. Remarketing, as the name implies, is a bid to reach out to the audience who have already visited the site, were previous patients, and have shown interest in […]
Dental Marketing Company: Where To Find Them
Hiring and paying for the services of a dental marketing company is no joke. You would have to open your accounts and the goals of your dental practice to this marketing company. They will look into your business model to find out what could be not working for you. They may even ask you sensitive […]
6 Dental SEO Tips To Bring Your Website To New Heights
Every year, thousands of dentists join the workforce as they pass the licensure exams. This means more competition for the same market. How do you differentiate yourself? If you’re a newbie in the industry, you do as many have done before — you hustle like there’s no tomorrow, starting with developing a website with dental […]
What You Need to Know to Find a Dental Practice Marketing Company
Giving yourself an edge in such a competitive industry like the dental industry is practically a requirement nowadays. One way to give yourself the edge that you need is by hiring a dental practice marketing company to take care of your dental marketing strategies for you. On the surface, your marketing strategy may seem like […]
Use Social Proof In Your Online Dental Marketing Strategies
When many people think about the dentist, especially children, it comes with a certain sense of dread and fear. After all, the dentist has never been a pleasant place for anybody. As a result, many people are hesitant at visiting the dentist, which means that you need to figure out how to work your dental […]
Dental Marketing: Different Approaches to Take With Your Marketing
One of the biggest advances in dental marketing today is the rise in popularity of online marketing. Online marketing and other forms of online technology have made it very easy for smaller dental practices and businesses to market themselves to a wider audience, even with a limited budget. However, despite these advances, there are certain […]
When Should You Worry About Your Dental Patient Marketing?
If your dental patient marketing isn’t worrying you, that is a cause for concern. You cannot be lackluster in aggressively seeking new strategies that will bring customers or patients to your business. As someone who’s competing in the dental industry, you need to be aware of the many nuances of your market, to keep up […]