The Best Photos To Use On Your Dental Websites
A picture is worth a thousand words. That has never been truer now that people have become more visual than they already are before. No longer are your dental websites visitors contented on reading descriptions, captions, and blog posts. They want to be attracted by the images you use on your website, too. Photos help […]
How Local Events Can Help In Dental Marketing
Local community events are a great way to promote your dental practice. You can raise brand awareness using your dental marketing strategies during these local events. If you live in a small town, parents and the community leaders would seek your help (as they do with all businesses) sponsoring the many events that they do […]
How An Appointment System Helps Dental Practice Marketing
If your patients still need to call your office to set an appointment with you, chances are that you’re losing a lot of potential clients. Why? People no longer want to use calls just to reserve a table in a restaurant or set up a schedule with their dentists. If you want to improve your […]
A Winning Dental Practice Marketing Strategy on a Limited Budget
It is a fact of life that a huge part of getting your dental practice running smoothly is a decent budget. This is especially true if you’re just starting out with your practice. Your overhead costs and any other costs can quickly add up. Because of this, your dental practice marketing is bound to be […]
A Dental Marketing Company Uses Live Chat To Increase Patient Rates
Live chat is a feature we don’t normally see on dental websites. While a dental marketing company will primarily make live chat feature an option on the websites of their clients, not everyone can have a dedicated marketing specialist answer questions on live chat. What you can do for your website is to add a […]
Dental SEO: Make Your Content Work For You
After you’ve done everything to make your site’s backend dental SEO friendly, there’s only one thing left to do: create compelling content to increase the percentage of web traffic that your site attracts. Why is content everything for any business today? It’s because potential customers lap it up as truth and as reasons for their […]
Dental Marketing Strategies: Use Email Marketing to Your Advantage
Dental marketing strategies, like any other industry out there, is subject to the shift and flow of trends highly dependent on the kind of technology that is being put out today. However, while the marketing methods being used today will continue to change, there will always be some trends that remain steadfast, despite the changes […]
Ways That Dental SEO Helps Users Find You Online
With the rise of online marketing and its ability for all kinds of businesses to market to a wider audience, more businesses are interested in making use of this to widen their reach and audience. Today, dental SEO is still one of the main forms of online marketing that is still widely used, even today. […]
How eBooks Can Help The Content Strategy of Your Dental Marketing
In 2011, eBooks profited a total of $2.31 billion. Pundits expect that this number will triple by the time we reached 2018 and boy, were they right. But eBooks are not only being written by experts now. They are written by content marketers, too, even in the field of dental marketing. When you factor in […]
How Does a Dental Marketing Company Guarantee Their Results?
While it might seem like a big expense, hiring the right dental marketing company to take care of your practice’s dental marketing is something that needs to be done, especially if you’re just starting out as a practice. When it comes to choosing a company, you should never just go with whoever shows up first […]