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How to Choose the Best Keywords for Your Dental Websites

One thing that many people don’t know about SEO is the fact that this is something that needs to be implemented right from the design and development of your dental websites. Because of this, you have to make sure that you have the needed keywords when you’re working on the creation of your dental site. […]

What Do Chatbots Have to Do With Dental Marketing?

Dental patients love chatbots so saying that your dental marketing strategy will do better with a chatbot is an understatement. Simply put, dental patients feel better knowing that there’s someone who is always present to answer their queries about your schedule, services, fees, and many others. It’s also a fun way to interact with your […]

Do Influencers Have a Role in Dental Marketing?

What are Instagram influencers? What can they do for your business? Are they going to work in a dental practice? Is this the kind of dental marketing strategy that will save your practice from the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic? In recent years, influencers took social media by storm. You know who they are and […]

How to Attract Patients Through Your Dental Websites

The coronavirus pandemic is forcing people to see things differently. It also forced businesses to approach their processes quite differently. Whether it’s marketing, advertising, or web design, the world simply is never the same because of the pandemic. Dental patients are browsing through different dental websites to find the dentist and service they are looking […]

Dental Marketing: How to Establish Your Social Media Presence

No matter what kind of business you run and manage, social media is a must. The problem is some business owners and marketers think that social media should be about promotions. That is far from the truth. Social media is more than just a space where you can hard sell to your customers. It is […]

Are Customer Reviews Important for Dental Marketing?

You’ve heard that customer reviews are important for your dental practice. How come you haven’t thought of that before? You do the same thing when you want to try out a new restaurant or even a new brand of toilet paper. Why couldn’t you have done that for your dental practice? Many dentists mistakenly think […]

What Role Will Your Dental Websites Play in Attracting More Patients?

You need more marketing maneuvering than you can imagine next year. This year was a strange one. Full of trepidations and fears, 2020 was an extraordinary time in our lives, businesses, and practices. Thankfully, your dental websites did make a wave in keeping your practice afloat. How will it help your dental practice in the […]

Dental Marketing: How to Get Patients to Your Door Once Again

The Covid-19 pandemic put a lot of strain on us as dental patients. If we were afraid to go to the dentist before, then we are even more deathly afraid now. While we worry about the dental procedure back then, today is another matter altogether. We fear contracting the virus once we take off our […]

What Kind of Video Content Should Be Published on Dental Websites?

Here’s a simple truth: if you want to generate web traffic and convert that traffic into actual patients who will book an appointment with you, post a video on your dental websites. That will create a buzz and that buzz will result in a couple of appointments. The fact of the matter is that people […]

Dental Marketing: New Methods to Employ in 2021

Come 2021, the market will demand more from the companies, medical professionals, retailers, and restaurateurs they plan to support. After the disastrous 2020 everyone had, it’s about time that they become more conscious about the companies and brands that they support. A dental practitioner, however, needs to do more than improve his dental marketing strategies. […]