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How to ‘Clean’ Your Dental Websites

Navigate and browse your dental websites. Do you find the experience enjoyable? Or, did you have a hard time opening pages and getting the information you think your patients will want to know? Many web owners don’t do this with their website. They don’t look at it from the perspective of someone who’s browsing it […]

Don’t Tell Us You Still Don’t Have Dental Websites?

Look at these numbers, less than two-thirds or 67% of small businesses in the United States are still without websites. Of the percentage that has a website, only about half are optimized for mobile devices. This means that around 40% of small businesses in the country still don’t have a website. That includes professionals in […]

Dental Websites: Blog Tips for Dentists

Part of increasing engagement on your dental websites is to write great blog topics. Your patients want to hear from you. They want your expert opinion on dental and oral problems that they may be having right now. Your silence could be killing your dental practice. You can use your voice to engage patients, increase […]

What Dental Marketing Route Is the Best for You?

Three things might happen to your dental practice that will push you to seek a dental marketing company. One, your practice is stagnant or shrinking. Two, you want to dominate the market (and you’re nearly there, too). And three, you just bought or started a new dental practice. These three things will make you realize […]

Dental Websites Cost and the Factors That Affect This

Having dental websites made for your dental practice is something that you should seriously consider for the benefit of your dental practice. This is important if you’re looking to expand the reach of your practice and maximize the potential of your practice’s business. However, plenty of practices are wary of having a dental website made […]

A Dental Websites Guide to Engaging Content

There are plenty of factors that go into making sure that your dental websites succeed in whatever you have designed them to do. Everything from user navigation and visual design works together to make sure that your dental website succeeds for the benefit of your dental practice. Another important factor that contributes to the success […]

3 Important Statistics to Remember About Content and Dental Marketing

Traditional marketing will not work as effectively as digital and content marketing. If you want your dental marketing strategies to be competitive, you have to use your site’s and social media profile’s content to drive patients to your clinic. Traditional advertising campaigns will not produce the same results they once did. Because consumers have a […]

What Traits Should a Designer for Dental Websites Have?

Companies and organizations depend on their online presence to build their brands. That includes professionals such as dentists and doctors. They are looking for web designers who can build dental websites that will attract and hold captive an audience. This will unlikely to change soon. There are some skills of a web designer that you […]

Dental Marketing: 8 Strategies for Landing Page Optimization

The landing page is a critical strategy for dental marketing. This is the page that your patients will most likely see when they click on a link on a Google results page. There should be many different landing pages on a website. Some patients will be directed straight to the appointed scheduler page. Some will […]

7 Important Things to Remember When Designing Dental Websites

If someone doesn’t like your dental websites, that’s equivalent to someone rejecting your product outrightly. The website is their first interaction with your profession. The usability and appearance of your website can convince people to want to have their teeth checked by you. What they find on your website will influence their decision to book […]