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How Dental Websites Can Help Assure Patients That a Dental Visit Is Safe

How can your dental websites help you out of your predicament? Generally, dentists have full calendars. It takes such a long time to schedule a visit with one because they have their hands full all the time. But because of the coronavirus, people are afraid to make appointments with them. So, should a dentist just […]

Dental Marketing and the Use of Social Media for This

The world of dental marketing has evolved considerably to make space for online technology. In fact, this industry has grown to make use of online technology as its primary platform for marketing purposes. The reason why this is as popular as it is is that it allows smaller practices a chance to attract the same […]

Dental Websites Failure and How to Avoid This

Having dental websites done for your dental practice is something that you need to seriously consider in order to give your practice a chance to compete within your industry. However, keep in mind that having a dental website does not mean automatic success. You still need to put in the work to make sure that […]

Dental Marketing Metrics to Keep Track Of

One of the major concerns of dental practices regarding their dental marketing is the fact that there are no tangible results that can be directly observed once the strategy has been implemented. Once you have a strategy in place, there’s nothing to be done other than wait and see what happens. All of your trust […]

Dental Websites: Make a PPC Landing Page Perform Well

A PPC (pay-per-click) landing page is where web visitors are directed to by the search engine after they clicked on a PPC ad on the search results. PPC is an effective digital marketing strategy for dental websites because you only need to pay for the ad every time someone clicks on it. It is a […]

Dental Websites 101: Why Aren’t Site Visitors Converting?

When it comes to determining the success of your dental websites, conversions are always one of the main determining factors of this. For medical-related websites, one of the main conversions will be website visitors who convert into new patients. Since the main goal of success for medical practices is to get new patients, it’s very […]

Dental Marketing and Your Social Media Marketing Strategy

Dental marketing is something that has seen a lot of growth over the past few years. This can be attributed to the rise of new technologies and the emergence of alternative marketing methods to help dental practices get their names out to their target audience. Today, one of the most popular marketing tools for small […]

Dental Websites 101: Maximizing Patient Appointments

The rise of online technology has made a huge impact and enacted a lot of changes in plenty of industries, and the dental industry has not been spared. Online technology has become a commonplace feature in our daily lives, and most people prefer handling everything online, including booking their dental appointments. With this in mind, […]

Improve Your Dental Websites SEO With These Tips

People are not finding your dental websites online. Why is that? Even when they search for dental clinics in your area, the link to your site is far at the bottom of the first page of the search results. Or worse, you’re on the second page, which is garbage in terms of search engine results. […]

How to ‘Clean’ Your Dental Websites

Navigate and browse your dental websites. Do you find the experience enjoyable? Or, did you have a hard time opening pages and getting the information you think your patients will want to know? Many web owners don’t do this with their website. They don’t look at it from the perspective of someone who’s browsing it […]