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A PPC (pay-per-click) landing page is where web visitors are directed to by the search engine after they clicked on a PPC ad on the search results. PPC is an effective digital marketing strategy for dental websites because you only need to pay for the ad every time someone clicks on it. It is a time- and money-saving tip. What the PPC ad does is to direct visitors to a landing page within your website. If you feel that your dental practice isn’t generating income and appointments even though your PPC ads are getting a lot of clicks, the problem might be your landing page.

The page is a separate entity. It exists within the framework of your dental websites, but it is focused on giving only information about the ad that was clicked on. The PPC and landing pages must work together to convert customers, although there is more pressure on the landing page to do its job. A PPC ad will appear on top of the search engine results, interesting potential patients. But it is the landing page that must be optimized well to make the offer inviting to potential patients.

Target Your Market

Who are you specifically targeting with your PPC ad and landing page? New customers? Existing customers? You can target both, but your landing page will be less effective. Optimizing your page means being as specific as you can be in terms of who you are writing the ad for.

Set the Right Goals

Again, you need to be very specific with your goal. Do you want your customers to make an appointment? Do you want them to take advantage of a deal? The message on your landing page should be clear and concise. There should be no ambiguity over what the web visitors are supposed to do once they land on the page.

Fulfill the Ad’s Promised

If the ad says the page will give a coupon code for a discount, that’s what it should do. Align the content of the landing with what the ad promised. Don’t try to hoodwink potential customers by making them click on the ad and yet, not delivering on what the ad promised the page will contain. They will never trust your dental websites again.

Put Important Information Above the Fold

Put the most important information about your ad above the fold of the landing page. That means the upper top half of the page of the dental websites. The headline, sales proposition, offers, and call-to-action should be above the fold. This will make it easier for your web visitors to see what you’re offering.