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Dental Marketing Company: Soliciting Reviews for a Dental Clinic

Admit it, it’s tempting to market your dental clinic by yourself and not hire a dental marketing company. After all, with a little research here and there, you’re bound to figure out the perfect marketing method that will work for your dental clinic. You don’t need to spend hundreds and thousands of dollars on marketing […]

Why Are Videos Great For Dental SEO?

We are so used to researching keywords and phrases when we talk about dental SEO. What we fail to remember is that SEO is more than just using the proper words on blog content. Search engine optimization encompasses a lot of tools and elements that will make Google think your website is worthy of a […]

Effective Uses of Chatbots on Dental Websites

Integrating chatbots into your dental websites is something that you should seriously consider. If you’re having trouble reaching out to your patients and attracting more clients to your dental practice, this worth looking into. The problem with many dental professionals is they don’t realize that technology also changed the way they should market their practice. […]

Why Some Dental Websites Work Better Than Others

On the surface, dental websites seem like very straightforward things. After all, you just have to put your information on your website and let it do its thing. However, if you only do the bare minimum, you may have noticed that your competitors’ websites seem to be faring much better than yours. Why is that? […]

Creative Methods to Boost Your Dental Practice Marketing

The world of dental practice marketing is as competitive as ever. In fact, one can argue that the introduction of online marketing to the mix has only made it even more competitive. So with that in mind, what can you do to make sure that your marketing succeeds as intended? Sometimes, it doesn’t hurt to […]

Why Email is Still Relevant to Your Dental Patient Marketing

Dental patient marketing has seen a lot of changes over the past few years. Today, we are firmly set in the world of online marketing, and it doesn’t look like it’s going to stop anytime soon. In fact, some forms of online marketing have already been replaced with newer forms of online marketing. However, there […]

How Your Dental Marketing Company Handles Your Social Media

These days, it can be challenging to get potential patients for your dental practice. It would also be quite difficult for your practice to survive in the long run without them. Sure, you can try and put out flyers and spread the word around about your practice, but that can be expensive. With this in […]

Dental Marketing Strategies to Help Avoid a Social Media Crisis

Online technology has done quite a lot for a variety of industries today. In the dental industry, it has made it possible for smaller practices to keep up with larger ones, despite a significantly smaller marketing budget. However, with all of its benefits, it has its own fair share of issues. For example, if you […]

How Simple Design Boosts Dental Marketing

According to a number of studies, it has been observed that the most effective website design strategy is a simple website design. By choosing to simplify your site’s design, this can go a long way in boosting your practice’s growth. A simple website design helps in saving time to create a website for your dental […]

Dental Practice Marketing: Build Brand Awareness With Online Advertising

Brand awareness, whether online or offline, is pretty similar. The goal is to create beautiful imagery that will attract dental patients to seek out a dental practice or clinic. The campaigns will prominently display the dental practice’s logo, as well as the photos of happy and satisfied customers. In the minds of many potential clients […]