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Avoid Weak Content In Your Dental Patient Marketing

In order to guarantee the success of your dental patient marketing, there are so many factors that you need to take into consideration. Not only do you need to make sure that you have the right strategy in place, but you also need to make sure that you have a solid foundation to rest your […]

Low-Cost Dental Marketing Strategies That Go a Long Way

For any dental practice, their dental marketing poses a bit of a challenge, especially if this is something they have very little prior experience in. And with the wide range of dental marketing strategies on the market today, it’s enough to confuse anybody. Not only that, but plenty of dental practices have very little idea […]

Dental Marketing Methods for Improving Your Online Reputation

No matter how many dental marketing methods you use for your dental practice, none of that is going to make much of a difference if your dental practice has a poor online reputation. It is much easier for online users to voice their displeasure about their experience with a certain business or establishment, and your […]

Dental SEO Essentials for Your Marketing

As a dental practice, you are probably well-aware of the necessity of dental marketing to get more patients into your practice. Out of all of the methods available to you, dental SEO is one of the most popularly used. This is especially prevalent in this industry because of how effective organic search is at increasing […]

Dental Practice Marketing: Is Your Strategy Harming Your Dental Practice?

How many times have you changed your dental practice marketing strategies in the past couple of years? Here’s the thing: marketing strategies need to change constantly because the industry is constantly changing and being challenged by the entrance of new trends and technology. Every month, there are new apps that threaten the way we do […]

Why Are Videos Great For Dental SEO?

We are so used to researching keywords and phrases when we talk about dental SEO. What we fail to remember is that SEO is more than just using the proper words on blog content. Search engine optimization encompasses a lot of tools and elements that will make Google think your website is worthy of a […]

A Comparison Between Dental SEO and PPC

Imagine this: you’re sitting on your favorite chair, sipping your favorite drink. You’re more than ready to relax after a hard day’s work of dealing with your patients. Your dental practice is doing good, but you’re now wondering how to spread the word around via search engines. Have you really found the right audience? Has […]

Effective Uses of Chatbots on Dental Websites

Integrating chatbots into your dental websites is something that you should seriously consider. If you’re having trouble reaching out to your patients and attracting more clients to your dental practice, this worth looking into. The problem with many dental professionals is they don’t realize that technology also changed the way they should market their practice. […]

Improving Brand Authority Will Improve Dental Marketing Campaigns

The term brand authority has been loosely used both online and offline. It is a way to attract customers and clients to your business. If you are considered an “expert” in your field, it is believed that more clients will flock to your business. Similar to dental marketing campaigns. If you are considered to be […]

Dental Marketing Company: Soliciting Reviews for a Dental Clinic

Admit it, it’s tempting to market your dental clinic by yourself and not hire a dental marketing company. After all, with a little research here and there, you’re bound to figure out the perfect marketing method that will work for your dental clinic. You don’t need to spend hundreds and thousands of dollars on marketing […]