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Imagine this: you’re sitting on your favorite chair, sipping your favorite drink. You’re more than ready to relax after a hard day’s work of dealing with your patients. Your dental practice is doing good, but you’re now wondering how to spread the word around via search engines. Have you really found the right audience? Has the right audience found you? Is your dental SEO enough as it is?

Well, consider this to be your lucky day because we’re gonna help you out. So do feel free to lean back and relax, we’ve got this.

There are two search strategies that can provide you solutions: Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Pay Per Click (PPC). Now, these two might sound very technical and confusing, but they’re actually quite easy to understand.

In terms of ranking in search engines, SEO is the more organic out of the two. This means it is free and money isn’t a serious requirement for success. However, it does need more time and patience to gather results. Unfortunately, if you aren’t committed to your SEO, it’s possible that your rankings would be lost.

If you decide to invest in SEO, this helps increase the chances of your target audience finding your practice through organic search results. But as mentioned, more time and patience is needed. For dental SEO to work and for you to succeed, you need to build a strong presence on Google. You must not only be consistent in producing content on your website, but you should also optimize keywords as well.

You’d also have to publish your name, address, and phone number. Once your rank increases among search results, more potential patients will be able to see your website and reach out to you.

On the other hand, PPC is quicker, but for a price. Are you having trouble getting your website ranking on Google organically? Then PPC might be for you.

If you happen to choose PPC, you (as the advertiser) will pay Google whenever your ad has been clicked. This form of search engine marketing will allow you to only pay when potential patients interact with your ad. This form is mostly associated with search engines like Google since you (the advertiser) would bid on relevant keywords for your target audience, a.k.a, your potential patients.

As you run your ads on Google, your website gets to be featured first and will show up at the top of the search results. But, since it requires payment to remain at the top, your advertisement can also have a time limit. It boils down to you always having the funds to keep your site at the top. As such, PPC can help you reach out to your potential patients quickly and stay in the game.