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Selecting Colors for Your Dental Websites

Experts believe that colors can influence the way people go about their decision-making process. Using the right colors on dental websites, for example, can trigger the right response on a casual web user. Colors can also change our perceptions of a website, a company, a brand, and an establishment. When selecting a color to be […]

How to Market New Tech With Your Dental Practice Marketing

Like other industries, the dental practice marketing and the dental industry as a whole will see its own fair share of progress and evolutions. And as a dental practice, it is your professional responsibility to stay up-to-date with the industry’s current standards. Of course, being the professional that you are, you are more than happy […]

Dental Marketing Strategies to Prevent the High Cost of Dental Coverage

Aside from unfounded fears of pain, dental patients don’t often go to the dentist because they fear the thought of co-payments and insurance coverages. Many health insurance policies don’t cover oral health diseases. You need another insurance for dental coverages alone. This is where dental marketing strategies can play a big role. The right one […]

Dental Marketing: How to Make Your Websites Look More Professional

It’s the year 2019 and unless you’re living under a rock, you should know by now how critical having the right website is for any business. Trust us, your dental marketing should include a professional and well-designed website. Whether you’re using a free website builder or have a web developer create one for you, it’s […]

Dental Patient Marketing: Designing for a Patient Marketing Strategy

Designing a dental patient marketing strategy takes time and effort. As dentists, you should do your due diligence in researching what matters to your target audience. Your primary concern is to answer the many questions that your audience has. For example, they want to know about your products and services. You have to make a […]

How to Use Call-to-Actions for Dental Patient Marketing

To be successful, a dental patient marketing strategy must have a killer call-to-action. These are words or buttons that patients can click on to respond and take action. A CTA button intends to lead the patients to more information about the dental practice or a dental promotion. Think about the websites or emails you received […]

Why Improving Your Dental SEO Is Essential Arsenal Against Competitors

How do you make sure you remain on top of your competitors in the dental industry? How can you attract more clients to your business? Have you thought about how dental SEO can help achieve your goals? Rank Higher Than Other Dentists on Search Engine Your dental website will rank higher than other dental websites […]

Dental Practice Marketing: How to Use the Internet to Engage

Every business knows how important it is to continue engaging with customers. It is through engagement that these customers will get to know about the dentists’ products and services. That’s why client engagement should be a part of everyone’s dental practice marketing. By talking with customers—whether in real life or on the internet—everyone will get […]

Which Dental Marketing Company Should You Hire?

Do you want more patients? The solution is pretty obvious: you need to hire a dental marketing company. Yes, it’s true. It may sound too simple but that’s the only thing you need to do. You need to find a marketing company that can deliver positive results to your clinic. To make your business goals […]

Basic Dental SEO Strategies to Get You Started

Let’s face it, a lot of competition is to be expected when it comes to promoting any business. It doesn’t matter whether you’re promoting through traditional or online marketing, it takes effort to be seen and heard. This, of course, also applies to your dental practice. It’s understandable to want to spread your wings farther […]