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Choosing the Right Typography for Your Dental Websites

Every component of your dental websites must serve a purpose. The typography of your website aims to make the site more readable. It should want more web users to visit the website to get information from its content. However, when web users find it hard to decipher the web content because it is unreadable, you […]

Selecting Colors for Your Dental Websites

Experts believe that colors can influence the way people go about their decision-making process. Using the right colors on dental websites, for example, can trigger the right response on a casual web user. Colors can also change our perceptions of a website, a company, a brand, and an establishment. When selecting a color to be […]

Are Your Dental Websites Mobile-Friendly?

When it comes to the ebb and flow of trends in the web design and development industry, other industries get pulled into the current as well, as they have to adapt to these in order to continue being relevant. Dental websites are a large part of the dental industry that have also had to adapt […]

The Importance of Live Chat On Your Dental Websites

In today’s digital age, the importance of the incorporation of various features is important to keep up with today’s audiences. In dental websites, this is very prevalent, as these websites are filled with all kinds of features to make it much easier for patients to get everything they need from the dental practice in one […]

Protect Against Data Breaches On Your Dental Websites

Dental websites have become an essential tool in any dental practice’s marketing strategy. Not only is this used as the online presence of your dental practice, but there are plenty of websites that are designed to provide a wide range of features for patients. Billing, personal information, appointment scheduling, these are a few features that […]

Where You Can Learn About Dental Websites

Understanding how to manage your dental websites is one of the things you can do to improve your dental practice. However, not all dentists are learned about dealing with websites and the Internet. All they do is hire a professional web designer and developer to manage the website. This is wrong. Why? Because your dental […]

Dental Websites 101: Terrible Advice to Steer Clear Of

Having dental websites done for your dental practice is now becoming a requirement for the success of your practice. However, it isn’t enough to have a site done for your practice, you also have to do a good job at marketing them. It’s important to differentiate the good advice from the bad when it comes […]

What Patients Need To See On The Homepage of Your Dental Websites

There was a time when potential patients would look at the Yellow Pages to find a dentist. That’s all gone now. Patients look for dental websites to check out which dentist they should visit. That’s why it’s important to keep your homepage neat and informative. So, what exactly are the things that should be on […]

How to Fix Dental Websites That Aren’t Working for You

One of the biggest mistakes that plenty of dental practices make is the idea that as long as you have dental websites up and running for their practices, that’s all they need to get their marketing to succeed. However, this will only set you up for failure. Having a weak online presence in the form […]

What Do Dental Websites Bring to Your Practice?

By definition, dental websites are a single domain with multiple webpages. This is the most standard definition of a website. What it does not define is how important websites are to businesses and professions. If you own dental practice and have not started the website yet, you risk losing many opportunities to attract your target […]