The Best Practices for Using Dental SEO on Blog Images
Are you asking yourself if your news article or blog article needs an image or a video? The answer is always yes. Are you asking yourself if the videos and photos need dental SEO? The answer is yes again. We live in a world that’s run by visuals and the constant need to feel connected. […]
A Basic Dental SEO Guide for Dentists
It can be quite a struggle these days to find success solely from traditional marketing. Of course, you can still advertise your dental practice through fliers and brochures. You can have them print out several hundreds of copies and hand them out to people who, hopefully, are going to be interested and become your new […]
Using Dental SEO to Promote Testimonials and Reviews
The most powerful tool you can use to market your services as a dentist is reviews and recommendations. More than 80% of your potential patients will want to hear positive reviews about your dental practice. A whopping 72% of that 80% will more likely visit your clinic after reading a positive review about it. Yes, […]
Why Improving Your Dental SEO Is Essential Arsenal Against Competitors
How do you make sure you remain on top of your competitors in the dental industry? How can you attract more clients to your business? Have you thought about how dental SEO can help achieve your goals? Rank Higher Than Other Dentists on Search Engine Your dental website will rank higher than other dental websites […]
Basic Dental SEO Strategies to Get You Started
Let’s face it, a lot of competition is to be expected when it comes to promoting any business. It doesn’t matter whether you’re promoting through traditional or online marketing, it takes effort to be seen and heard. This, of course, also applies to your dental practice. It’s understandable to want to spread your wings farther […]
Dental SEO Questions to Ask Your Marketing Agency
So, because you want to ensure your success with your dental practice, you’ve decided to choose to advertise. While you do see your fliers promoting your dental practice being distributed around, you’re starting to think that it’s not enough to get the word around. See, these days, in order to ensure the success of your […]
Why Long Tail Keywords Is Your Ticket To High-ranking Dental SEO
Focusing on long-tail keywords is a great tactic for dental SEO. If you want to improve your website’s ranking on search engines such as Google and Bing, using long-tail keywords is a good strategy. Long-tail keywords are keywords or key phrases that are longer and more specific. They can create more traffic for your website […]
How to Work Effectively With a Dental SEO Agency
Anyone who has even attempted to work with dental SEO is woefully familiar with how difficult this can be as a marketing tool. Because of this, it is not unusual for a dental practice to make the decision of hiring a dental marketing company to handle the SEO part of their strategy. However, you have […]
How Being A Mobile-Friendly First Website Helps Dental SEO
Never has the importance of a site’s mobile-friendliness been thrown around in the world of dental SEO than today. Mobile-friendly or responsive websites display correctly on handheld devices such as iPhones, Android phones, tablets, and others. This makes for optimizing viewing pleasure. Web visitors can browse through and navigate your websites with ease if the […]
How to Make the Most of a Limited Dental SEO Budget
When it comes to running any type of business, it’s highly important to have a budget in mind. This is important because it helps in allocating the right amount of money towards whatever it needs to be spent on. Having a budget also helps you know and think over your priorities. It helps you consider […]