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Dental Patient Marketing: Tips for Making Original SEO-friendly Content

If there’s one rule you should remember about creating SEO-friendly campaigns for your dental patient marketing, it’s to write truly authentic content. You cannot claim to be the best in the industry if you copied your content from other websites. You cannot be a cut above your competition if you cannot offer something unique to […]

3 Main Reasons Why Most Dental Websites Fail

Web designers think that when dental websites are visually appealing, they’ll automatically do the job they are set out to do, which is to attract new patients to your dental practice. But having an aesthetically pleasing website and convincing patients to book an appointment are two different things. Your dental website should be at the […]

Dental Marketing Strategies: Researching for Better Web Content

Every good marketer should aim for the trifecta—expertise, authority, and trustworthiness— of a great website. But all great marketers understand that to get to that point, a website must have the right web content. The same goes for dental marketing strategies on the internet. These dental websites need relevant content that speaks to the needs […]

Should Vlogging Be a Part of Your Dental Marketing?

You already understand the importance of dental marketing in your practice. You know you need a well-designed website. You produce videos to attract more audience to your site. You write blogs to share relevant information with your patients. The only thing left to do is combine these two components: blogging + video = vlogging. Vlogging […]

Dental SEO: Optimize Website Images to Rank High on Search Engines

Does your article or blog need images and videos? Yes, it does. There’s no getting around it. What you need to focus on is these photos’ dental SEO. For many content marketers, all they know about SEO is to use well-researched keywords on the articles that they compose. They forget mostly that SEO is everywhere—in […]

Remarketing Techniques for a Dental Marketing Company to Follow

Remarketing is a tactic wherein you retarget people who have already visited your website in the past. It is a form of marketing where existing (but not always successful) campaigns are going to be used again for a specific group of people. A dental marketing company can help you come up with a remarketing strategy […]

What Can a Dental Marketing Company Do For My Practice?

In order for you to achieve success, you should always be prepared to do the unfamiliar. You must be willing to step out of your comfort zone. Being a dentist, this means not only giving time to your patients and your dental practice but to also give time to digital marketing and hiring a dental […]

Dental Patient Marketing: Create More Engagement on Dental Websites

Dental patients are unique in such a way that they are everywhere. They are the Silent Generation. They are the Baby Boomers. They are the Millennials. They are Generation Z. In a way, they are even the Alpha Generation. So, as a dentist, how can your dental patient marketing speak to all these different generations? […]

What to Avoid When Hiring a Dental Practice Marketing Agency

For many dental practices, dental practice marketing can be a bit of a chore. After all, you’re a dentist, not a marketer. Because of this, plenty of dental practices are more than happy to hire a dental marketing agency to handle their marketing for them. However, it’s important that you take the time to do […]

The Best Practices for Using Dental SEO on Blog Images

Are you asking yourself if your news article or blog article needs an image or a video? The answer is always yes. Are you asking yourself if the videos and photos need dental SEO? The answer is yes again. We live in a world that’s run by visuals and the constant need to feel connected. […]