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Important Dental Marketing Company Qualities to Look Out For

In order for a business to grow, it’s crucial for a businessman to get in as many customers as they can. In your case, it would be important for you to get more patients into your dental practice. Now, this can be accomplished in two ways: the first would be through traditional marketing and its […]

Dental Patient Marketing: How to Remarket to Dental Patients

Don’t take your patients for granted. Isn’t that the number one rule in dental patient marketing? Don’t think for a moment that a patient who was impressed with your service will come back to your clinic in a month or two. You never know what happens after the patients get out of your office. They […]

Why a Limited Dental SEO Budget Shouldn’t Stop You

As a dentist who wants to gain more patients and popularity for your dental practice, you have probably already thought of getting into marketing. However, since the prices of traditional marketing can be quite expensive, it can be frustrating on trying to figure out what’s the next step. And as effective radio and TV commercials […]

What Makes Dental Websites Work?

Dental websites are meant to be a significant part of any dental practice’s online dental marketing strategy. However, one common misconception that people hold is the idea that as long as you have a website, you’re pretty much set. It’s not enough to just have a dental site, you should be willing to put in […]

Are My Dental Marketing Efforts Paying Off?

For many dental practices, making the decision to invest in dental marketing is something that can be considered a scary decision. After all, this means that you’re going to be leaving your practice’s marketing strategy, which is what is crucial for the success of your dental practice, in the hands of a company that knows […]

Dental Practice Marketing: SEO or Paid Advertisement?

How do you find a doctor near you? How did you find your latest dentist? How do you find how much the new mattress is for your bedroom? You go to the internet and search, right? These days, no one uses the phonebook anymore. Everything happens on the internet. That’s why if you haven’t incorporated […]

Dental Websites: Essential Writing Tips for Your Blog

Why is it so difficult to find topics to write about on your dental websites? Why do you think dentists spend much on content marketing? It is often a challenge for dentists to find topics that will interest their audience. It is also a challenge to find time, skill, and motivation to write a relevant […]

Dental SEO: The Best Topics to Talk About on Your Dental Blog

Your dental SEO will bring your website to new heights. Use it well and your website can be on top of Google’s search results. This means more of your market will find your site and browse through it. This means that there are better opportunities for you to engage with your audience and persuade them […]

Top Dental Marketing Fails in 2019

Dental marketing is tricky, challenging, difficult, and demanding. In this day and age, no one will tell you that marketing a business or a profession is easy. It’s frustrating to see your peers make it. It’s even more frustrating to realize you’re the reason why your dental practice did not succeed. You could have made […]

Dental Patient Marketing: How to Make the Most of Your Dental Blog

How do you make the most of your dental blog? Now that you have already started a blog and have written several articles, you must maximize the reach and potentials of your blog. How can you do that effectively and what role does your dental patient marketing play in driving traffic to your blog? Blogging […]