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Dental Practice Marketing 101: Social Media Videos

When it comes to your dental practice marketing, there is no secret that you have to do what you can to help make sure that your marketing succeeds for your dental practice. Because of this, you should be at least familiar with the different types of online marketing strategies that you can use for your […]

Dental Marketing 101: The Reality of “Free” Facebook Marketing

It is no secret that the world of dental marketing has gone through quite a number of changes, especially in the wake of the emergence of online technology and its introduction to the marketing industry. When it was first introduced, there was a flurry of activity as everyone wanted to use this for their own […]

Decide Which Dental Patient Marketing Strategy Works For Your Practice

One of the biggest benefits that the online marketing industry has given the world of dental patient marketing is the ability to be as varied with your online marketing without ever breaking the bank. However, for some dental practices, the sheer number of choices that are out there is quite frankly, a little intimidating. Because […]

Why Are Your Dental Websites Failing?

Have you noticed a decline in your website’s unique views? Are your dental websites suffering because of lack of valuable content or is there something else that’s troubling the site? When a website suffers, people look at external factors such as the practice’s presence on social media and the campaigns that it used to promote […]

How to Prioritize Patient Service On Your Dental Websites

While the many innovations in the world of online marketing have made it much easier for practices to reach out to their patients, it has made it challenging in others. One of the main hurdles that any dental practice has had to face is the dilemma of providing excellent patient service on their dental websites. […]

How A Dental Marketing Company Sets The Foundation For Marketing

Hiring a dental marketing company to help boost your dental practice’s online presence is a difficult, yet very good move to make for the sake of your practice. For a lot of practices however, they find it difficult to justify the cost of paying for a professional dental marketing company to take care of something […]

Doctoring Up Your Website Will Improve Your Dental Marketing

Have you ever visited a dimly-lit office in a back alley located in a seedy part of the neighborhood? How do you feel about it? More, how do you feel if you have to undergo a dental procedure in that clinic? Will you feel safe? Will the old equipment sate your fears of consulting with […]

Dental SEO 101: How To Create a Successful Keyword Strategy

When you think of dental SEO, the next closest association with this would have to be, keywords. After all, even if all you know about SEO is the bare minimum, you are probably already aware of the fact that a huge part of any successful SEO strategy is the right keywords to use. However, keywords […]

Dental Patient Marketing: Claiming Your Listing On Online Directories

More than 85 percent of Americans believe that oral health is extremely important to their overall health. Now, you would think that it means more patients are available for dentists to tap. But it doesn’t exactly mean that way—dentists still need dental patient marketing strategies because 42 percent don’t see the dentists as often as […]

What Kind of Bad Dental SEO Strategies Affect Your Website Negatively?

Bad dental SEO is like a pest in your house that you cannot get rid of. They are everywhere and they’re affecting the ranking and conversion rate of your website. Even though information about the best practices in SEO is prevalent on the internet, many websites still fall victim to bad dental SEO habits. No […]