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Bad dental SEO is like a pest in your house that you cannot get rid of. They are everywhere and they’re affecting the ranking and conversion rate of your website. Even though information about the best practices in SEO is prevalent on the internet, many websites still fall victim to bad dental SEO habits.

No Keyword Variation On Each Page

In the past, Google values websites that have one very specific keyword and on all of its pages. But Google’s algorithm has changed over the years. Today, Google will not see value on websites with the same keywords used on all of its pages. Rather, you need to use variations of one keyword to spread all over your articles. You cannot use the same keyword on each blog article that you will post on your website.

Publishing Short Blog Posts

What are short blog posts, anyway? Studies have found out that the most shared blog posts are those that are over 3000 words. This means, that by average, blog posts that are less than 1000 words will not generate enough web traffic and will not convert customers.

You need to prioritize the length of your blog posts. This is the only way that Google will automatically give value to your blog posts. Shorter blog posts usually fall on the 2nd to 5th pages of Google’s search results. While there are short blog posts that do very well on Google, this is an exception rather than the rule.

Inconsistency in Posting Blog Articles

You need to post 16+ blog articles in a month to become considered a consistent website. Posting regularly on your website will also determine your authority on the subject matter. So, if you want your web visitors and patients to believe in your authority in the dental industry, you should have plenty of topics to talk about on your website.

Studies have found out that websites that only publish four articles a month fall on the fourth to fifth pages of Google’s search results. As you well know, the fourth and fifth pages of Google’s search results are considered dumping heaps of useless links.

Prioritizing Quantity Over Quality

Sure, you’re publishing more than 16 blog posts in a month, but are all of these quality blog articles? Google prioritizes blog posts that are valuable to their consumers. If you just post blog post without thinking about the relevant information on it, you might find your website farther down the search results. Make sure to write well-researched blog posts to attract more web visitors and persuade them to share the link to your website.