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What is PPC and Google Ads Management?

When it comes to getting your website to rank, ideally, it would be great to have your site’s rank highly based on your site’s content and SEO strategies. While it is possible to achieve your site great page ranking based on these alone, when you’re just starting out, it may be difficult to see the results that you want right away. This is where our Big Smile Pay-Per-Click (PPC) and Google Ads dental marketing services come in.

Pay-per-click advertising, or PPC for short, is an advertising model which can be effectively used to direct traffic to your website through the use of paid advertising. You only pay for every time that users click on your link, hence the name. PPC advertising is a very popular form of advertising because it is a very simple way of getting your site up and seen on the front page of search engine results.


Google Ads is an advertising system developed by Google that allows dental advertisers to bid on keywords in order to have their sponsored links appear in Google’s search engine results. The amount that you pay for sponsored links depends on the number of times that users access your pages through these sponsored links.

Here at Big Smile, we have tremendous experience in PPC advertising. Our PPC and Google Ads management strategy is designed to complement your SEO strategies in order to help move your site up in the rankings, and help it stay there. PPC advertising is an efficient way of getting your site seen by potential new dental customers and combining it with dental SEO helps your site stay up on a high rank. No one strategy is better than the other, they both complement each other, especially when done well.

While it seems very straightforward, the process of a successful PPC and Google Ads Management campaign is very technical and requires a lot of research and data analysis. At Big Smile, we make use of several methods to help guarantee that your PPC campaign is a successful one.



Keyword Research

Keyword research is an essential part of any dental PPC advertising campaign. These are the words and phrases that users will type in that will direct them to your ad link and help determine customer visibility on search engine results. It’s very important that the right keywords are chosen for your PPC campaign, because this is the main channel that users will be passing in order to reach your site

When performing keyword research, we take the time to brainstorm and do some research into the nature of your business. This helps us understand and determine which keywords and phrases your potential clients are more likely to type in order to find your business. Information about your target audience is also analyzed, in order to help find out their preferences and thought processes when seeking out a service like yours.

Once we have the information that we need, we pinpoint which keywords are more likely to be beneficial to you and your business through a keyword analysis process. The keywords chosen must be highly relevant to your website, and accurately represents the content that users expect to find on your website.

Once your targeted dental keywords have been entered into Google Ads, we analyze the results from the ad campaign and determine if the keywords being used are effective. If not, adjustments are made until the right combination of keywords that provides maximum traffic for your site. The links are monitored and updated accordingly to make sure that your links stay current.

Meanwhile, while your sponsored links are up, we work on your dental SEO strategy to help with your organic search results. We utilize PPC and Google Ads management to give your site a little push to make sure that it’s seen by users, and work on your site’s SEO to get it to the top in terms of organic search results. That way, your site doesn’t miss out on any traffic while we work on optimizing your site’s SEO. Once your site has reached the top with organic search, we turn off the PPC ads for that specific keyword.

At Big Smile, we believe in using a combination of strategies to help your website rank on search engines. PPC often gets a bad reputation because of how easily it is to lose money with one wrong move in your strategy. We have a lot of experience with PPC and understand how it works and how to utilize it to benefit you. If you’re interested in hearing more about our PPC and Google Ads management services, reach out to us today!

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Proven Solutions

Dental Website Development

Your website is the hub of all marketing activity. Big Smile builds sites that turn visitors into new patients.

Dental SEO

Big Smile knows SEO. We work exclusively with Dentists across the nation to increase their reach online and attract new patients.

Dental Content Marketing

Let Big Smile show you why Content Marketing should be a part of your online marketing mix.

Social Media Marketing

Social Media is one of the best ways to build a sense of community with potential patients. Big Smile has the tools and knowledge to set you apart from your competitors.

Pay Per Click Advertising

Do you need to reach new patients, and fast? A well planned and executed PPC Campaign can get your message out to your target audience quick.

Dental Email Marketing

Looking for a way to increase revenue from your existing patient base? Email Marketing can lead to more visits and increase your recurring revenue.