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If you are currently in the midst of deciding which is better between these two choices—build an in-house marketing team or outsource to a dental marketing company — we are telling you right now that there are pros and cons to each choice. There is no perfect option for a dental clinic. Your need for a marketing team will depend on what kind of practice you already have and how much you can spare for the team.

Compensation and benefits

As an employer, you will need to pay an in-house marketing team proper compensation, as well as provide them benefits such as health insurance policies, sick and vacation leaves, and allowances.

There is a lot of responsibilities when it comes to managing and protecting your employees. And although an in-house marketing team will be more focused on your business, this also reflects a huge financial obligation on your part.

Whereas, outsourcing the same services to a dental marketing company wouldn’t need to cause an arm and a leg. Most marketing firms would ask for a fee, similar to an attorney’s retainer’s fee. In exchange, they will create, develop, and manage marketing campaigns that suit the needs of your dental practice. Unlike in-house marketing teams, you are not responsible for the compensation and benefits of an outsourced marketing team.

Checks and balances

Accountability is important in creating and executing marketing campaigns. An in-house marketing team tends to work with just a couple of specialists.

This means that only two or three persons will do the research and survey, build the marketing strategy, plan its execution, and implement it through an effective campaign. This usually doesn’t work well for dental practices because there is no check and balances.

Marketing campaigns should be questioned. There should be an opposition. There should be doubts about its validity and effectivity. Because only through the constant improvement of these campaigns will they truly reach its effectivity.


Marketing agencies are always looking for marketing experts from different fields. They want specialists in dental marketing, corporate marketing, legal marketing, medical marketing, etc. When you go to a marketing agency, you can handpick the kind of marketing expert your dental practice needs.

Do you need a social media strategist? Do you need an SEO specialist? Dental practices are hindered by their capacities to provide compensation and benefits so when they choose an in-house marketing team, they won’t be able to hire as many people with as many skill sets they need.