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Writing web content shouldn’t be that hard if you have the right tools to ensure good dental SEO. Your keywords will flow naturally into the article. They won’t feel forced and they will have the right keyword density. Or at least, that’s the goal of every web content writer. But how can you achieve such good writing?

Here are some tools that will help you achieve the perfect web content to lead your website to success:

Hemingway App

The Hemingway App is a brilliant online app that will check how difficult to read your content’s sentences are. Some other categories are the use of passive voice and adverbs. Reading comprehension has two degrees of difficulty. The app highlights sentences in yellow when they are difficult to read, and it highlights sentences in red when it is very hard to read.


Again, readability is very important in dental SEO. Readers prefer content that is easy to read. And when there are more shares and visits on your website, these are bound to rank higher on Google’s search engine. Such is how the algorithm works, which is why you should try to achieve as high a score as possible in terms of readability.


Always proofread your work before publishing. If you are not confident about your ability to proofread your own work, let someone else do it for you. Make sure this someone will be honest about the quality of the work. Some of the things that should be focused on are how the words flow naturally and how the keywords are used strategically.

Plagiarism Tracker

This is the most important tool to have when writing content for the web. Google flags down web content that’s been plagiarized. A simple check will show sentences and paragraphs that are considered plagiarism. You should invest heavily in a plagiarism checker if you are going to write a multitude of content for the web.

Keyword Density

The keyword density refers to the number of times the keyword was mentioned in the content. The ideal keyword density is somewhere between 2% and 3%. To get the keyword density, you should divide the number of times the keyword appeared on the content by the total number of words then, multiply it by 100. Aim to get a 2% or 3% keyword density. Anything more than that is considered keyword stuffing.

SEO Tracker

A dental SEO tracker is a chart that breaks down the number of times each keyword was mentioned in the content. it is a handy tool that will give you a glimpse of how popular these keywords are in relation to organic searches. You should update the SEO tracker once initial metrics are in to give you an idea of the success rate of the keywords.