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What do your dental websites say about your profession? The looks, design, and the overall functionality of your website affect the way people see your dental practice. If you are not managing the website well, people will notice it from the way it wasn’t optimized for mobile viewing, the outdated content, and the antiquated features. If you want to learn about what your market wants from your website, you need to take a good long look at your competitors’ websites.

Take notes

Visit the websites of the dental practices that are more successful than your own. Notice anything different? Notice what they are doing that you’re not applying to your site? Now, not all features fit every website. It doesn’t mean that when one feature appears on your competitor’s site, it should be on yours, too.

You have to check the capability of your website, as well as revisit who you are marketing to. Although generally, dental websites should have the same functions, some go the extra mile and put in something not everyone in this field can afford or really need.

Look at your website

When you’ve listed down the features, design, and functionality you think would work best on your site, take a good long look at your site. Be critical. Ask someone to look at it from his perspective.

What is wrong with your website? Why is it not attracting as many clients as it should? What would you do differently if you could start all over again? You need to make sure that your website’s capacity can be able to host the changes you want to make. Maybe you need more bandwidth or you need a different content management system?

Make the changes

Now that you already know what changes your website needs, it’s time to take action. You cannot let those things remain on the list and not put them into use. Start by checking the technical specifications of your website.

Make sure that you’ve made the necessary technical changes so your website can host the kind of new features you want to install and design. You don’t have to duplicate all the features you saw on your competitors’ websites, but those should give you an idea of what your market wants to see.

From time to time, check what other websites have and how these features or design can help your own site keep up with the changes. It’s important to be aware of your competitions so they can’t beat you in the game.