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Every dentist in the world is worried about the impact of the coronavirus on their practices. After all, patients are not sure they’re comfortable enough for someone to prod on their teeth and gums while there’s a virus making its rounds. Dentists don’t feel safe treating patients who are possible carriers of the virus. So, where does that leave the practice when both parties need each other? It all boils down to how the dental websites address this particular situation.

Did you update your website when the pandemic was first announced? Did you reach out to your patients? Your dental websites are the first place patients will look after the pandemic was announced. If there is no announcement there about the resumption of your dental services or if it was even canceled, then your patients will arrive at their own conclusions.

That’s why you need to produce a Covid-19 briefing video that will tell your patients what you have been doing since the government imposed strict quarantine guidelines for non-essential movements. The video should show the safety measures you put in place to ensure that your clinic will not be a cause for anyone to contract the virus.

Did you update the ventilation? Show that on the video. Did you install an air purification and filtering system? Show that on the video, too. What are the safety measures that you and your employees do to ensure the clinic is clean and sanitized at all times? Do you sanitize every day? Do you wear complete personal protective equipment (PPE) from your head to your toes? Will the patients be required to wear the same?

And then, how did the coronavirus impact your dental services? Are you offering all procedures right now or are there procedures that you are not allowed to do yet? Your patients should know what to expect when they arrive at your clinic. Are they going to pay more because you have to make them wear sanitized and disposable PPE? Is that going to be an additional expense for them?

Patients have many questions about how they should safely go to a dental or medical clinic. The only way to answer this sufficiently is to produce a video on your dental websites. The video should show everything the patients need to know about your dental practice and how it is adjusting to the pandemic. This will help them better understand how dental procedures will be done during this time.