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Marketing a dental practice isn’t as straightforward as it used to be. Before, if you had the budget, you would take out an ad to advertise your practice and hoped that your patients would pass along your practice’s name. Nowadays, dental websites are one of the most powerful tools that you can use to get your dental practice’s name out there.

However, as online technology becomes more advanced, so has the rules for digital marketing. It is no longer enough to have a good website, you also have to make sure it complies with current SEO standards and is mobile-friendly. To help you understand this better, learn more about the importance of mobile-friendly dental websites.

A majority of online users are on mobile

One of the most important reasons why your website should be mobile-friendly is that around 80 percent of online users browse the internet on their mobile devices. That is a very significant demographic that you should be trying to target.

As a dental practice, you should know that users tend to look up dental services on their mobile phones, so if your website is not mobile-friendly, you’re going to have difficulty trying to appeal to these users.

It affects SEO

Not only is having a mobile-friendly website important for mobile users to access your website, but it also plays a significant role in how easy it will be for these users to actually find your website. Having a mobile-friendly website can play a big role in how well your website ranks in terms of SEO.

Ever since Google changed its SEO algorithm, it’s been observed that websites that are mobile-friendly tend to rank better in terms of SEO. Also, if users bounce out of your website because it isn’t mobile friendly, then it’s going to have a negative impact on your SEO ranking.

Is your website mobile-friendly?

Now that you understand the importance of mobile-friendly dental websites, it’s important to take a look at your own website to see if it’s mobile-friendly.

Check out your website using your mobile device in order to determine if it’s mobile-friendly enough. Remember that a mobile-friendly website is capable of providing a seamless user experience when the website is browsed on mobile devices.

This includes a website that loads quickly and providing users easy access to the information and content that they need from your website. Taking the steps to make your website mobile-friendly can help open up more potential and opportunities for your dental marketing strategy.