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If there’s one thing you want your dental websites to do, it’s to attract as many appointments as possible. While you may use SEO and Google My Business to drive traffic to your website, this is not enough to make them want to book an appointment with you. An improved site that caters to the needs and wants of your potential clients is what you need.

But first, you need to do a SWOT analysis. SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The outcome of this analysis will determine the course of action you need to take with your dental websites.


Why do your patients choose your dental clinic over the others? What are your strengths, the things you do that others don’t? Capitalize on these. You will learn a lot about what your clients think are your strengths by listening to them on social media. You should read feedback and comments about your dental services and equipment, as well as “stories” your clients tell on social media platforms.


What are their complaints? What don’t they like about your website, office, clinic, and services? Are they complaining about the prices? How about your clinic staff? Are there any complaints about them? You need to address these issues. Sure, it’s never fun to hear about your clinic’s problems, but these are the things you need to face if you want your business to succeed.


There are a lot of opportunities out there to improve your dental websites. What are these? There are trends that you can follow. There are also some nuances you must avoid. You should learn how to recognize these opportunities as they come. Otherwise, you’ll be missing chances on how to improve not only your dental websites but also the services that you offer your clients. Every engagement on Facebook, for example, is an opportunity to know more about your customers.


Are there looming changes in the regulation of the dental industry? Are you moving to another office? Is your lease ending soon? Are you losing an important staff member? These are the threats that could affect the overall operations of your dental clinic. Every time the government, for example, imposes a new rule or regulation, it will cause the business to change its direction. You should always be on the lookout for these things because missing out on this thinly-veiled threats could spell disaster for your dental practice.