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Dental marketing is a necessity for dental practices nowadays. Because it has become easier for patients to look up online to find their next dental provider, dental practices have to do what they can to make sure that their dental practices are the ones being found online.

However, for plenty of dentists, this seems like a lot of extra work on top of running their dental practices and choose to opt out of it. This move can end up hurting your dental practice because you cannot rely on word-of-mouth to get your practice’s name out there forever.

It is also very possible to run a successful dental practice while juggling your dental marketing strategy at the same time. Here are some ways that you can handle marketing while running your practice.

Use paid ads

One way that you can still run your practice while pulling off a successful marketing strategy is by utilizing paid ads to increase your practice’s online visibility. It’s important that you first optimize all the online channels that can be used to find your websites, like online directories and Google My Business.

This helps guarantee that when users look up your target keywords, all of your practice’s information is readily available to them. The great thing about paid ads is that all you have to do is handle the initial setup and Google takes care of the rest, which is great for the dentist on-the-go.

Optimize your website

Another simple way to increase your website visibility is by optimizing your website for SEO. Make sure that every aspect of your website is optimized for SEO. This includes making sure that your website is mobile-friendly and has a page for patient reviews and testimonials, among other things. Organic search is still the most popular way that users are finding websites and your website should increase its chances of being found through this method.

Social media

One very popular way that users are finding your practice is through social media. Make sure that you establish a strong social media presence for your dental marketing. In the beginning, it might seem like a lot of work, but you only need to spend a few minutes a day. posting something on your social media, which can go a long way in boosting your dental practice’s online presence.

Hire a dental marketing company

If you think that handling your dental marketing strategy might be a little too much to handle, you should definitely consider working with a professional dental marketing company like Big Smile Marketing. We can help you identify your practice’s goals and come up with the perfect marketing strategy to help achieve those goals. We can take care of things for you while you can use the extra time to focus on your dental practice.