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It is common knowledge nowadays that there is a stronger emphasis on user experience when it comes to your dental websites. From providing a seamless user navigation experience to making it easier for users to access your website on various platforms, there is a much stronger emphasis on making it easier for the user as opposed to the visual appeal of the website as a whole.

One of the main factors in the user experience is site load speed. Simply put, the faster your site loads, the better, not only for the users but for your site ranking as well. Learn how to speed up your dental websites with these simple tips.

Cut out any unnecessary elements that may slow down your page

First and foremost, if you’re looking to speed up your dental website, one of the very first things that you should be doing is cutting out any unnecessary elements that may be causing your website to take longer to load. You should test your website beforehand.

How long does it take for it to load for a user who visits your website for the first time? Today, the average website is expected to load in as little as a few seconds. If you find that it takes much longer, then you should do a complete evaluation of your site a whole and try to determine what elements are causing the slower site load speed.

It could be unnecessary background elements or overly large file sizes of your elements. It’s important to pinpoint these and determine the best course of action to take for this.

Optimize your images

One of the most common causes of a slower site load time is large image file sizes. When a website loads for a user for the very first time, it will have to load everything completely in order for it to be displayed.

Larger file sizes will, understandably, take longer to load compared to smaller files. If you find that your image files tend to be a bit bigger than normal, you should optimize these by compressing the size of these images as much as possible.

Mobile responsiveness

One surefire way to make sure that your dental websites load faster is by designing your website with mobile responsiveness in mind. Because of the stronger emphasis on mobile technology for the typical online consumer, search engines are now making it a priority to rank websites that are more mobile responsive.

In order to get your website to be optimized for mobile, you should be cutting down on the file sizes as much as possible to help it load faster on mobile devices. By creating your website with mobile responsiveness as a priority, you are guaranteeing a faster site load speed for your website.