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It is no secret that social media is quickly taking the dental marketing industry by storm by being a cost-effective, yet highly effective at a fraction of the cost. However, plenty of practices assume that all you need for a social media presence is a page that never gets updated, which is, obviously, not the right way to handle your social media marketing. In order to make sure that you make the most out of your social media in your dental marketing strategy, here are some tips to help you out.

Maintain regular posting

One of the biggest mistakes businesses make when it comes to their social media is the fact that they don’t maintain it properly. It isn’t enough to just have a social media page, you need to actually do something with it. Make sure that you keep your social media profiles regularly updated to let users know that your dental practice is still very active and is willing to engage patients.

Keep HIPAA in mind

HIPPA regulations are designed to help make sure that medical professionals don’t give away private and confidential patient information. Unfortunately, far too many professionals forget to apply these principles in their online marketing strategies. When you post photos and videos of your dental practice on your social media, inspect these thoroughly and always remember to keep HIPAA regulations in mind to make sure that you don’t accidentally give away patient information.

Engage with your users

One of the biggest advantages that social media has given the dental marketing industry is the ability to engage with users without them having to go through all the official channels just to get a response for their questions and concerns. It’s important to take advantage of this by engaging with your users on social media if they have any questions or comments on your social media. This helps them know that you care enough about your users to engage with them and respond to them.

Maintain your professionalism

You will find that you might encounter some difficult personalities online when working with your online dental marketing strategy. This is especially prevalent on social media. While it may be tempting to respond to negative comments, you should always remember to maintain your professionalism when you engage with users online. This is because your social media will reflect on your dental practice and if you respond negatively, this may result in a poor reflection on your dental practice.