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In the beginning, the dental SEO process is a fairly straightforward one. You find a dental marketing agency to help you out, and both of your collaborate to come up with the right combination of keywords that will be used to help increase your site’s online visibility and boost your site’s ranking on search engine search results.

However, like any other industry that exists, there are certain misconceptions about a dental SEO strategy that you would do well to get rid of if you want it to succeed. In this case, you should be aware of the fact that you shouldn’t be relying on one SEO strategy to see you through for the rest of your practice’s existence.

Over time, your SEO strategy will need revising. The question here now is, how do you know that your SEO strategy is due for a revision? Here are some signs that you need to pay attention to which will tell you that your SEO strategy needs revising if you want it to continue working for the benefit of your dental practice.

Your website metrics are suffering

The easiest way to determine if your SEO strategy needs a revision is by taking a look at your website metrics. Remember, no matter how well your dental website seems to be doing, your website metrics are what tell the full story. It’s very important that you and your dental marketing agency are fully aware of what metrics are telling an accurate reading of how well your website is doing.

If your metrics were looking great previously and have started dipping for absolutely no reason, then this is a fairly strong sign that your SEO may need some revision. This can take the form in the keywords that you’re choosing to target, or even your on-site SEO may need some updating.

You’re not ranking well anymore

If you’re going to be working on dental SEO, you should always remember that search engines change up their algorithms every now and again. This means that it isn’t uncommon for your site to slip a few ranks when this happens. As long as your SEO holds, you can retain your rank after some time.

However, if your rank remains low, then this means that your SEO strategy needs some serious reconsideration. Your SEO strategy is supposed to help your dental website rank well on online search engines, so if it isn’t working when it previously showed favorable results, then this is a strong sign that it’s time to rework your SEO strategy.