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Users are no longer pressed for choice when looking up dental websites to see if a particular dental practice is what they’re looking for to meet a specific dental need. Because of this, it isn’t much of a surprise for users to shop around through various websites to find the one that fits their exact need, whether it’s a dental service or a specific piece of information.

However, if you find that your website’s bounce rate is abnormally high, then you might have a serious problem. A bounce rate is calculated when a user opens your website, only takes a look at a single page without interacting with anything, and leaves.

If you have a high bounce rate on your website, this might mean a more serious issue and can be costing you, potential patients. Here are some significant reasons why users are choosing to leave your dental websites.

Poor navigation

One of the biggest reasons why users might be leaving your website can be attributed to poor website navigation. Remember to always keep the user experience in mind when designing your website. Adopting that mentality at the beginning of your design process can go a long way in improving how users will interact with your website.

It’s very important to make your website’s navigation as intuitive as possible in order to make it easy for users to get from Point A to Point B. Poor website navigation can leave users feeling frustrated, which will result in a “bounce”.

Hard to read or understand

Remember that content is one of the most important things in any good website, but it is as equally important to display that content properly. It doesn’t matter if you have the absolute best content. If users find it difficult to read or understand your content, then it’s not going to do you or your practice much good.

It’s important to understand how to use whitespace when displaying your content as well as learning how to properly space your paragraphs to make the content easier to read and understand. Clutter is the last thing you want on your website.

Slow site load speed

Remember that users have plenty of choice in what dental websites to visit, and there are plenty of small factors that can go into how a website is perceived by first-time visitors. One of those small, but significant factors is the load speed of your website.

The average takes roughly about three seconds to load, and if your website takes longer than that to load, then there is a higher chance that you’re going to lose users. Make sure to optimize your dental websites to load as quickly as possible.