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Dental SEO is more in demand now more than ever in the dental industry. The dental industry has become more competitive, with a fair number of dentists occupying a specific area.

As a result, dental practices are doing what they can in order to set themselves apart from the rest of the other practices in the area. This is where a good SEO strategy for your dental practice comes for. SEO is a good way to establish your business within a specific area, making it easier for users to find your business.

However, when it comes to choosing the right dental SEO company for your needs, do you go with a larger agency, or a smaller one? Read on to learn the differences between the two and what either one can do for your dental practice.

Large dental SEO companies

On the surface, it might seem like choosing a larger SEO company is the wiser move. After all, larger companies are more likely to have more employees and experienced professionals who have the ability to handle your SEO and help your practice grow. However, there are a few things that you need to consider before choosing the next large SEO company that you look up.


The biggest advantage of working with a large SEO company is the fact that they know how to scale your SEO to hit a wider audience. So if you’re looking to expand your business to a larger area, then a larger SEO company is the right choice for you.


However, if you’re looking to focus on a smaller, local area, working with a large SEO company might be problematic. They don’t know the area as well as you’d like, so they might have difficulties launching an effective local SEO campaign to meet your needs.

Not only that, but larger SEO companies tend to prioritize larger businesses, so it might be difficult to communicate with them effectively to get the SEO strategy you need for your company.

Smaller dental SEO companies

The thing about working with smaller dental SEO companies is that the advantages and disadvantages of working with one are directly opposite to when you work with a large SEO company.

Smaller SEO companies are preferable for smaller, local dental practices as they are familiar with the local demographic and know exactly how to work your SEO strategy to reach out to this audience.

They are also more likely to work their strategy to tailor it to your budget and create a tailored SEO strategy to work specifically for your dental practice. However, if you’re looking to expand beyond your local area, then they may have difficulty scaling your local SEO to a wider audience and area.