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When you search for tips on dental websites on Google, the thousands of tips will shock you. How come this plenty of people are talking about the same thing, right? There is so much interest in what makes a website good because it is apparently a factor in attracting and generating web visitors. Design, of course, is also subjective. What looks good to you may not look good to some. People may think your design is hideous when it’s the most beautiful one you have seen.

So, how do you reconcile these facts? Do research. Web design is the most important factor in generating an audience for your website. Without a tried-and-tested web design, your marketing efforts can spiral out of control. Who would see your marketing videos if people are not interested to see your dental websites? Use these highly effective tips that research is backing up.

Site Speed Is a Priority

As if there is any doubt, site speed is still a priority before and today. The average person will want your site to load in just under two seconds. Yes, that’s how fast they want it. If it doesn’t load that fast, forget about attracting this audience. They’ll be out of your website in a jiffy.

Think of the Fold

Some web designers will tell you that the fold isn’t important right now or that there is no fold at all. But whether or not there is, the fact remains that 75% of internet users still spend their time above the fold. After all, that is the first thing they will see on your website. To make the most out of the top fold, use clear and descriptive headlines, include a call to action, and post media material.

Use the Hick’s Law

Hick’s Law argues that the more options someone has, the less likely it is that someone will choose anything from those options. A study of jars in a grocery store proved this hypothesis, wherein 30% out of 40% of shoppers who stopped to check just six jams actually bought some bottles. This is opposed to the 3% out of the 60% of shoppers who stopped to look at 24 jams and bought some.

The point is to reduce the number of menu items on your homepage, focus on the call to action, limit the form fields, and display a couple of social media icons only. Sticking to one goal per page is the most prudent way to use your dental websites.