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One of the surest ways to promote your dental practice is to connect with journalists and bloggers. Once they learn about your dental practice, they can write about it and promote it to your target market and audience. But first, you have to lead them to your dental websites. What you have on your website are the things these journalists need to read and see. They have to make sure that they are promoting a legitimate and reputable dental practice to their readers and followers.

How do you go about connecting with journalists and bloggers in your niche? You should compile a list of names of journalists and bloggers who write about medical and dental topics. These are the people you need to connect with. Once you have a list of their names, it’s time for you to decide who to reach out to.

Follow Them

You have to follow them on social media. You need to read the posts they create. If they have a blog site, you need to keep updated with the issues that are close to them. If you found out that a certain journalist or blogger has written about dental issues in the past, you can use this as the basis of your first email to that person. For example, a journalist has written an article about dental research. Most websites will publish the email address of that journalist so readers can give reactions directly.

Send an Email

Begin your email by thanking the writer for the profound interest he/she has on dental practices and the industry in general. If you agree with the post, make sure to tell the writer why you share the same views. If you need to clarify some points in the article, do so in a respectful manner. Most writers will welcome the feedback they get from their readers. Some will not. It’s okay. Writers, journalists, and bloggers are regular people. They get offended, too, if the way you corrected their points were done callously and arrogantly.

Be careful when correcting an article. You don’t want to sound off arrogant and high-and-mighty. As always, the best way to correct people is to point out the contentious reasons and politely explain your side.

Promote Your Website

Finally, when all is said and done, you can invite the journalists and bloggers to check out your website. Let them know that they’ll learn more about the industry by reading your blogs or by subscribing to your newsletter. Make sure that your dental websites are easy to navigate and that the information there is relevant. You don’t want to waste these writers’ time because they will give you one chance to impress them. Take advantage of it.