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Dental marketing, like all other types of marketing out there, is simply a blanket form that is made up of plenty of other forms of marketing to give a well-rounded marketing strategy for the benefit of your dental practice. Dental SEO is one of those forms of marketing.

However, while it is very effective, especially when done right, it is very misunderstood at the same time. This can mostly be attributed to the fact that it is quite technical, especially when you compare it to other forms of marketing. It is important to learn the misconceptions of dental SEO in order to make the most out of it and use it to boost your dental practice.

You don’t need it

The biggest misconception that businesses have about SEO is that they think that SEO is unnecessary. As a dental practice, SEO is one of the most important marketing strategies you can incorporate into your already existing marketing efforts.

Good SEO has the ability to bring your practice’s website to the top of search engine results and helps users based within your area find you better. These are excellent steps to take if you’re looking to boost your dental practice.

It doesn’t work

Another common misconception that people have about SEO, in general, is that they think that it doesn’t work. The main reason why people think this is that SEO does tend to show results slower compared to other marketing strategies. You can be doing the right dental SEO practices for over a month and see no results or progress.

It’s important to note that a good SEO strategy is long-term and an investment. SEO is an ongoing process that will take quite a bit of time to pay off, but the benefits of a well-executed SEO strategy are numerous, as long as you have the patience to continue with it.

SEO is just keyword stuffing

For a long time, SEO comprised of plenty of blackhat techniques that were designed to bring a website to the top of SERPs as long as they hit all the right keywords. However, nowadays, search engines have changed their algorithms to penalize websites that used these blackhat techniques.

The most common and popular blackhat technique was known as keyword stuffing, where sites simply stuff their content with irrelevant keywords. Nowadays, with the new changes, SEO has become more refined and takes more effort to bring your site to the top of SERPs.

You can do it yourself

One of the biggest misconceptions about dental SEO is that a lot of businesses think they can do it all themselves, especially if they’ve had experience working with the basics of this. However, it’s important to know that SEO is constantly changing and evolving, and you’re going to have difficulty keeping up without a professional dental marketing company to help you out.