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Getting to know who your patients are is the best way to have a well-targeted dental patient marketing. And yet, this isn’t the easiest thing to do. It involves a lot of research, time, and effort to have a good idea of the identity of the market that comes to your clinic for a dental checkup or to avail of dental service.

Collecting Data

You can start by collecting the data from your customers. You can do this either directly or indirectly. By directly, it means reviewing your patients’ files and listing down their names, ages, jobs, addresses, etc. Next, visit your social media pages and check out who liked and loved your pages and posts.

If you can see their profile pages, that will allow you to get to know what they liked, what their posts are, and what kind of social media status they have—are they popular? Do their posts get a lot of likes? Do they rarely post?

Building Your Patients’ Persona

With this collected data, you should be able to have a good idea of who your possible patients are. First, take a look at the data you collected from your past and present patients. Are there similarities among them? Categorize them depending on their ages and occupations.

Second, study who your social media followers are. This will give you a good idea of who is interested in your practice. Although some of them may not be your customers yet, it is important to focus on those who haven’t tried going to your dental clinic yet. You need to find a way to reach out to these possible new customers.

Reach Out To Them

How do you best reach out to your patients? You can send a postcard to those who have been your patients for quite a while now. As for those new patients you are hoping to target, your only way is to reach them via social media. Since you don’t have their contact information, you should create content that will specifically target this group.

Curate content according to the group you are trying to target. Have a different one for the Baby Boomers, the Millennials, and the Gen Z. They respond differently to ads and promotions, so make sure you give enough thought to your content before posting them. If not, you might be doing your dental patient marketing more harm than good.