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Here’s a problem we have about marketers: they rely so much on how great their dental practice marketing strategies are, they forget about one critical aspect of running a business—customer service. No matter how great you think your marketing campaigns are, the moment your clients get disappointed because of the way you deal with your customers, you are bound to lose them to another dentist who can provide better customer service.

Providing quality customer services starts from the moment they visit your website and down to the time you remind them about their next dental appointment or greet (and provide them a discount) them during their birthdays.

Well-designed Website

A well-designed site will easily attract your target market. If your website is filled with valuable and relevant information, is easy to navigate, and is virtually hack-free, your customers will stay and find out more about your dental practice. Marketing starts at the very moment your intended clients land on your website. Impress them with your website and you have a better chance of hooking them to your practice.

Easy Appointment System

You should make booking an appointment with you available on your website. This is far easier than having to call your clinic and wait for the receptionist to pick up the phone. Invest in a booking system that will automatically remind your clients about their appointments.

Waiting Room

The waiting area of your clinic will also play a part with your dental practice marketing in attracting clients and making them stay with you. If you need to let them wait, the least you can do is provide a comfortable waiting area with a television, magazines, newspapers, and free wireless internet. You can also provide water, coffee, and juice if you’re up to it.

Quality Service

Nothing says good customer service and top dental practice marketing than the quality of your dental procedures. Remember this: the comfort of your clients is, above all, the most important customer service experience. If they don’t feel comfortable on that chair, they won’t come back to your clinic, no matter how great your website looks or how convenient it is to set up an appointment with you.

Appointment Reminders

You can set up your booking system to remind patients of their impending appointments. Not only will this setup help you clear your schedule in case of a no-show, but it is also valuable to your patients who are super busy with work and personal lives that they tend to forget about the appointments they make.