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Your dental websites should contain more than your contact information and some details about the products and services you are offering. It should also have the right forms of media such as photos and videos because they will help attract more potential customers.

Since people these days are primarily focused on visuals rather than what the text contains, using the right photos is of primary importance if you want your websites to attract and retain clients.

Try not to use stock photos

The operative word here is try. We know it’s hard to produce your own photos. It can be stressful to shoot photos that will relate to the kind of content your dental websites have. However, try to use as minimal stock photos as you can because these don’t bode well for SEO ranking.

You should also pay for premier stock photos rather than use the free ones. Fewer people have access to premier stock photos so it’s less likely that other dental websites will use the same images.

Hire an actor/actress

You can schedule a one-day shoot with a hired actor or actress. During this one-day shoot, you can create as many poses and angles as you want and that you can use for future blog posts. This will create original images that will help in your Google search ranking since search engines love content and images that are unique to your website.

You can do this at least twice a year so you can have a lot of stock photos you can use for future blog posts. Just remember not to use the same image again and again since that’s tantamount to using unoriginal photos.

Optimize the photos for search engines

How do you optimize photos for search engines? Google will index your page according to the content and images it has. An image you upload, for example, must have a meta description with the corresponding keywords used. The filename and caption should also include the keyword to help Google index the page.

Include a photo on every post

Every post needs at least one image. This will give your page a better rank on Google. Web visitors are also more inclined to stay on a webpage that’s not too heavy on the eyes. Text-heavy webpages are stressful to look at and it results in visitors leaving the page the moment they land on it. A single photo will make a world of difference to a text-heavy post.