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Your dental websites are going to play a part in making the first impression on your clients. When they see an outdated website, that would make a bad impression on them. What does an outdated website tell a potential client? That the dental clinic cannot offer modern dental services or technology, that the dentist doesn’t care at all about his clients, and that the clinic might not be operating anymore.

The quality of your website speaks about the quality of your dental services, too. Keeping your website up-to-date will make your customers see that you care enough about what they think and that you’re willing to invest in making your services better.

Add Video Content

Videos are captivating, which makes them a powerful tool to attract potential clients and turn them into loyal patients. Video content can move the patient from “I’m interested” to “let’s set an appointment.” It could make a difference in how the patients see the dental practice. It doesn’t hurt that it can also improve the search engine ranking of the website, thanks to Google’s love of video content. With videos on your website, Google would most likely index your site to show up high in search results.

Attract Mobile Traffic

You must design your website to be fully optimized for mobile viewing. In fact, this must be a priority, topping desktop optimization. More than 70% of internet searches are done using a mobile device—a smartphone or a tablet—so you are going to miss out on a lot if your website isn’t designed for smaller screens. Google, in particular, favors websites that are designed for mobile devices. This is due to the high amount of search traffic being done through smartphones and tablets. If your website isn’t mobile-friendly yet, it’s time to make the move.

Secure Your Website

It doesn’t matter what kind of security you think your dental websites need. What matters is what your patients think and they want a more secure website if they are going to fill up a form to set an appointment with you. Your patients are going to have to leave their names, addresses, contact information, and maybe even insurance information. They need to know that the information they leave on your website is safe and protected by firewalls and other security measures.

If you aren’t doing these things for your dental websites, it’s time to step up the game. Your websites need to be regularly updated if you are to attract clients.