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Your dental websites are some of the strongest tools that you can have for your dental practice. When done right, your dental website can be accessed by old and new patients to learn more information about dental health and hygiene, see the kind of dental services you offer in your dental practice, and schedule appointments, all from your website.

It can also be used as a key tool in your SEO and content marketing strategies. If you’re looking to make the most out of your dental marketing, you should definitely invest in dental websites for your practice. However, if carried out improperly, your dental website can have the opposite effect.

In fact, something as small as the load speed on your website can cause a negative impact on your marketing strategy. Here is everything you need to know about how your site’s load speed can impact your dental marketing.

How does my website’s speed affect my practice and marketing?

With recent advances in online technology, it has become easier for users to find the information that they need by simply looking it up on their devices. As technology continues to progress, it has instilled a sort of mentality in users wherein they expect their needs to be met as soon as they need it.

Whether they need food, clothes, or anything right away, online tech has made it easier for users to get the instant gratification of instant delivery. The same holds true for online information. When users look up information, they expect it to be given to them as soon as they need it, and a slow website is going to hinder them from obtaining the information they need.

If they feel like they’re waiting too long, they will very likely look elsewhere for another practice to fulfill their needs. Because of this, it’s very important that your site loads in as little as seconds to meet this demand.

What can I do about it?

If you find that your dental websites take too long to load, there may be certain elements on your website that can be causing this. First, you should look into the media elements of your website and see if any of them can be causing the slow site issue.

Elements like videos and photos must be cut down as much as possible to optimize the website and speed it up. You should also see if you have any elements like Flash Player that can be slowing down your website even further.

In order to guarantee a faster loading website, it’s important to look into each and every page and see if there’s something that might be causing the slow load speed.