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Sometimes, all it takes is not five seconds of loading speed for your website to make a customer stay, but five seconds of simply saying “hi” or “hello.” Your dental patient marketing can greatly improve by engaging with your customers on a personal level. Stop depending on everything on social media and on your dental websites. You can reach out to your patients when they are in your clinic by conversing with them and asking them about how they find your services and products.

Social media marketing, pay-per-click advertising, social engine optimization, social engine marketing, email marketing… we have been so used to the varied internet marketing strategies available to us that we forget there’s one element of marketing to customers that we must focus on: communication.

Sure, we can communicate through campaigns and posters and flyers and email and memes, but those don’t really allow the consumers to respond back. They are not allowed to give feedback about what they feel is lacking in your dental practice.

Allowing your clients to have a voice will go a long way towards impressing them. It will also make them feel that their opinions are valued and that you care about what they think about your dental practice. By simply talking to them, you’ll find out a lot about what they are looking for in a dental practice or what kind of dental patient marketing strategy works on them.

You can find the gaps that other dental practices fail to fill. You can do experiments that will fill the void and influence the decision of a customer to stay with your practice. Through the simple act of communication, you will also be allowed to try and fix the things that don’t work. You will save more of your money and your time doing digital surveys and researches because actual customers can give you actual feedback that you can act on immediately.

Although social media is the most powerful medium in dental patient marketing today, it is also the most impersonal and dental services have always been kind of personal for most people. We choose the dentists that we are most comfortable with. We choose them based on how our friends and families see them—whether they are gentle when doing their procedures or they don’t cost much or they don’t offer you unneeded dental services.

Talking with your patients will allow you to get to know them on a level that’s deeper than what social media marketing results can provide.