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What a big difference allowing online dental appointments will make in your dental practice. If you will only allow patients to set the schedule via your website, they will turn into loyal clients in the future. They may even recommend your dental clinic to their peers. If that’s not the kind of dental marketing strategy we should all emulate, then we don’t know what else is.

Unfortunately, not all dental practices follow this “golden rule.” It’s a marketing strategy that will work wonder for your practice. It’s such a shame that dentists turn their backs from offering their patients a chance to schedule their appointments much easier. And those who do have this feature always suffer from a messy system. Listen up: prioritize online dental appointments and you will see your conversion rate go up.

Ease and Convenience

People want one thing from any company or profession that they support: they want the ease and convenience of purchasing items and setting up an appointment schedule. If they cannot get that from you, they will most likely look for it from another company. Since more than 50% of internet users access the internet through their mobile phones, it makes sense for you to make it easy for them to contact you and set up an appointment.

The ease and convenience of setting an appointment online will bring patients to your website. They will also likely recommend you to their peers.

People Don’t Want Making Calls

People don’t like calling offices and talking to your receptionists. They don’t want to be asked to wait while the receptionist or secretary check your schedule. What they want is to decide for themselves when is the right time for them to go to your dental clinic. They want to see which schedules are open, so they can decide the most convenient time for their visits. People rarely want to deal with other people because they end up being disappointed with the customer service.

This is also a great opportunity for you. Instead of training your receptionists and secretaries to provide great customer care in terms of answering appoint inquiries, they can better focus on the jobs you hired them for—which is to deal with patients face-to-face.

Offering online appointments is just one of the things that will help your dental marketing. Every time you introduce a system or feature that makes it more convenient for your patients to reach your clinic, you are indirectly helping market your profession.