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Blog writing for dental websites is a very popular and effective dental marketing method that is very much in use today. However, for many first-timers, the idea of creating blog posts for their marketing efforts is rather intimidating, especially if they’ve never made online content before.

One of the biggest things that first-timers struggle with is the length of the content that they create. After all, how long can you go on about a specific topic? Too short and you risk coming off uninformed and if it’s too long, you risk losing the interest of your readers.

Here are some tips that you can follow that help you understand how long the blog posts for your dental websites should be.

Set a target for yourself

When you’re creating blog content for the first time, a good way to determine how long your blog posts should be is by trying out different blog post lengths, seeing which one works the best for you, and setting that as your personal limit or target. Choosing your own personal blog post length target is a good way of sticking to a consistent length, which helps build consistency in your dental website and your personal branding.

Work with an editor

If you’re really having difficulty coming up with the ideal blog post length for your dental websites, it might help you out a lot to work with an editor. They can work with you by looking over your content and letting you know if your content is effective in providing users with the information that they need and expect from your website.

This is a good first step to take if you’re unsure about how effective your content is in informing your readers and you need a professional eye to look over it.

What is the ideal blog post length?

Overall, there is no hard rule about what the ideal blog post length is for your dental websites. Of course, there are a few guidelines that you can follow that lets you know how long your blog content should be. If you’re creating content purely for SEO purposes, long-form articles are the way to go.

However, if your content is only long-form articles, which can be up to 1,600 words, you risk losing a large portion of your readers. It’s highly recommended to switch things up a little bit. Shorter articles which are a minimum of 300 to 500 words are good for readers who are interested in shorter content.

However, throwing in a few longer articles is ideal, not only for SEO but also for more informative content that covers a more comprehensive and complicated topic.