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First, let’s define what a landing page is. The landing page is a stand-alone web page on your website that works with the pay-per-click ad or a keyword inserted in blog posts. A good landing page will give the web visitors more information about the ad or keyword that they clicked. The landing page should contain a call-to-action, so the web visitors know which course of action to take given the particular information. That improves your dental marketing significantly.

However, many dental practices are guilty of not putting too much importance on their landing pages. They think these landing pages can stand on their own (which they should) but they never give a second thought about what else a web visitors want to find on this page. The landing page should work for you. Not only should web visitors take action on that page, but they should also be interested enough to browse through the rest of the information on your website. That’s what a good landing page should do.

Define Your Target Audience

Who are you targeting with your landing page? New patients? Old ones? What are you promoting? A new procedure or product? Are you giving away discounts or do you want them to book an appointment? If you are targeting new patients, you may want to give them a bit more information about your practice. You may also consider giving them a free consultation. For current patients, you can guide them on how to schedule an appointment since they already know what you do.

Set Your Goals

What’s your goal for your landing page? The goals are pretty straightforward: it’s either to make visitors book an appointment or to make them take advantage of a deal. That should be very obvious when they open the landing page.

Align the Page

The landing page should be aligned with the ad or the keyword that the visitors clicked on. If not, web visitors will feel hoodwinked. If you’re offering a discount on the ad, make sure to tell them on the landing page how to get that discount. If they are expecting to see the schedule form, then make sure it’s there. You should also use the same wording and keywords found on the ad or blog post, so the landing page can be better optimized.

Put Important Info “Above the Fold”

Back in the day, above the fold in the newspaper industry means putting all relevant stories above the fold of the folded newspaper. In today’s digital world, this means that the information—sales proposition, headline, and call to action—should be visible on the screen before scrolling. This will help improve the chances of your dental marketing.