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Children are most fearful of dentists. Though most people balk at the idea of having a dentist prod their teeth, there’s nothing like a three-year-old throwing a tantrum because he has to visit the dentist. The problem? Misconceptions and wrong thinking. Your dental practice marketing strategies, if planned and executed properly, can sate these misgivings. Who knows? You might even be a kid’s favorite person!

Create an animated video

How can you make a toddler or a child sit in front of a television to watch a 15-minute explainer video? Through animation, right? Never try to convince kids to watch a video of you being interviewed about the various dental products and services that you offer.

Nobody likes to watch a talking head blabber technical terms and jargons for 15 minutes. Make the explainer video interesting and unique and attractive. Remember that your target audience is the kids. Not only do they have short attention spans, but they are rarely attracted by boring subject materials.

Answer questions honestly

Kids want to be treated like adults. When they ask questions about certain procedures or why they need to get their teeth cleaned by the dentist, answer them as honestly as you can without giving away the clue that some of these procedures actually hurt.

Do not shrug off their comments and do not belittle their suggestions. If they say that it’ll be better if you can have a cartoon show playing on the TV while they undergo teeth cleaning, then maybe that’s exactly what you need. Just like your adult-patients, these kids have valuable insight to share with you, too.

Participate in kid-centered community events

In order for the kids to be familiar with your work and who you are, you need to participate in the local activities that they are a part of. There are various activities in the community that you can use to reach out to your kids-clients. You can coach a little league team. You can participate in a show-and-tell.

You can teach pre-school children how to brush their teeth properly, as well as the importance of oral hygiene. Inculcate yourself into their lives and their activities so they are more familiar with you. That makes it easier for these kids to trust you when it’s time for their dental appointments.

These dental practice marketing strategies will only work if you dedicate your time in executing it properly. Plan ahead and do your research before anything else.