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Making the decision to hire a dental marketing company to help you with your dental marketing strategies such as dental SEO and social media marketing is not an uncommon one. After all, this is a good way for you to focus on running your dental practice while a professional can take care of your dental marketing.

However, you have to be wary of dental marketing agencies that claim that they can take your dental SEO strategy and deliver instant results. If you’re looking for a marketing agency and they promise something like this, then you should watch out.

Getting instant results is the most common myth in the work of dental SEO and cannot be done, no matter what kind of marketing strategy you use. Learn more about the reality of this here.

Why is it impossible to get instant results with your SEO?

Before anything else, you should first understand why it’s impossible to get instant results with your SEO strategy. The thing is, the reason why plenty of people assume that it can be carried out right away is that they don’t really understand what is going to happen during the SEO process.

Before anything else, extensive research is performed which helps you figure out what keywords you should be ranking for and applying them to your content and website meta information. All of this takes quite a bit of time. Even after you’ve applied them to the different channels, it will take some time for search engines to realize what’s happened and will change your rank accordingly.

As you can see, the entire thing is a rather long process and can take a few weeks before you start to see any signs of change for your website ranking. The entire process explains why it is impossible to get instant results with your dental SEO.

Remember, it doesn’t end there

However, even after your SEO has been properly applied and you start to see results, it’s very important that you realize that your SEO strategy does not end there. Your SEO is an ongoing process for the benefit of your dental practice.

The reason behind this is that search engines tend to switch things up as far as algorithms go, which will prompt the need for a change in your SEO strategy. Not only that but the keywords that you choose to rank for will need to be changed out once in a while, depending on the current industry trends. All of these are factors that explain why your SEO is an ongoing project that will never be considered as completed.