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While dental websites need to be designed for the user, it does not mean that SEO does not matter anymore. There are many modern web design elements that will work great on a website’s SEO. By making use of these elements, you will position the website to generate more traffic that could be converted into appointments and sales.

A lot of the SEO elements that make up a website happen in the backend coding of your pages and posts. Things like meta tags, meta title, meta description, HTML coding, and headings tags can go a long way towards improving your website’s ranking on search engines such as Google.

Site’s Structure

Not everyone understands that the site’s structure will affect the Google ranking of a website. When visitors have a hard time navigating your site and finding relevant information on it, they will leave the site, pulling down with them your ranking.

When web visitors leave your dental websites almost as immediately as they access it, Google will know that something is wrong. It is recommended that web pages shouldn’t be more than four clicks away from your homepage. The structure and navigation of your website shouldn’t be confusing for its visitors and search engines.

Image Optimization

The web designer chooses the typography, the color scheme, the patterns, and the symmetry of the website’s design and layout. But aside from these, they also handle the images that need to be posted on the site. That’s why it’s important that web designers understand the need to optimize images because large files slow down the speed of the website. The images’ file sizes can be reduced using a plugin or script.

Loading Speed

Web visitors have a pretty short leash for a web’s loading speed. They want a homepage to open in less than five seconds and you only have 15 seconds to convince them to stay on your website. Tough, right? Websites that take more than two to three seconds to load have high abandonment rates.

When you’re laying down the building blocks of the dental websites, speed should be a top priority. Web designers must guide the business owners in choosing a reliable web hosting service because that could affect the site’s speed and other server-side issues.

The website’s design and the SEO must work together to create a seamless user experience for your visitors. But the responsibilities of making the website work do not only fall on the designer’s lap. Those who will manage the website must also understand that they need to keep the website within the good SEO parameters.