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Google Analytics is a powerful tool that measures and tracks website traffic and consumer behavior. It allows you to better understand your customers. If you are not minding Google Analytics data on your dental websites, you are missing out on an opportunity to improve your site and your marketing strategies.

What exactly are the things that Google Analytics provide to website managers and owners?

How Customers Found Your Site

Did the web visitor come all the way from social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram? If so, which account was used? The official account of the company? An influencer’s? Or someone else’s? This data can be used to let you know which platforms work best to advertise the links to your dental websites.

You can then give these platforms more focus the next time you share a link to a webpage. This also means that these are the platforms your clients are using to find information about your dental clinic.

Which Keywords They Are Using

If they did find you from Google, which keywords did they use to have you on their page results? Are these the keywords mostly associated with your company? You can then have a real data of how these keywords affect the popularity of your dental websites. You can maximize the use of these keywords on every facet of your website so it can gain more web traffic.

Where They Stayed The Longest

Which part of your dental websites did they stay the longest? Did they go straight to the blog page? Were they looking for contact information? Did they check out the gallery? This data allows you to streamline the content of the website. Once you know what clients want to find on your website, you will better create content that speaks to them and attracts them.

How They Engage With Your Company

Did they send an inquiry or an email? Did they click on the number you have there? Did they try to fill up the booking appointment form but canceled at the last minute? These activities will show how the potential clients used your website—if it’s merely to find information or with the intention to book an appointment as soon as they land on your site.

How They Turned From Web Visitor To Actual Clients

What path did they take to become actual patients of your dental practice? Which information were they perusing before they decide to make an appointment with your clinic? Why is this important? This means that whatever they were reading or browsing at the time they decide to book an appointment might have a direct impact on their decision.