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As a dental practice, you are probably well-aware of the necessity of dental marketing to get more patients into your practice. Out of all of the methods available to you, dental SEO is one of the most popularly used. This is especially prevalent in this industry because of how effective organic search is at increasing your practice’s online visibility. As a marketing method, this is highly customizable, depending on the client and their goals. However, no matter how you approach your dental SEO, there are a few common factors. Find out what those factors are.

Use of keywords

Of course, when you’re thinking about SEO, this is almost always linked to the use of keywords. Back when SEO was first introduced as a way to market your website, plenty of people figured out how to game the system, which led to the rise of blackhat SEO techniques to increase online visibility.

Nowadays, search engines have amended their search algorithms to make it fairer and to prioritize content and its value to users. However, while keyword stuffing is no longer a valid SEO strategy, keyword use is still essential to the SEO process. No matter the SEO strategy you use, you will always require keywords and their proper use.

Website design and structure

A common misconception is that SEO is something that you use on your content. However, the use of SEO is also applicable to your website. Good SEO strategists understand the importance of keyword use in the client’s site.

The reason behind this is that when search engine bots crawl a website to determine page rank, they will use your site’s HTML information to determine its relevance to your target industry and rank it accordingly. For a good page rank, everything on your website must be properly optimized from top to bottom.


Social signals are a huge part of any SEO strategy today, which is where linking comes in. You want good quality websites to link back to your website to “signal” to search engine crawlers that your website was considered quality enough for other sites to refer back to it, which lets them know that your website is a source of good-quality content, and has a better chance of ranking better.


Of course, the content will always play an integral role in any dental SEO strategy. However, the main point to consider in how content is used today is the fact that you should be prioritizing good-quality content for your marketing. It doesn’t matter how well you’ve put your marketing together, it isn’t going to make much of a difference if you don’t invest in good quality content.