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Let’s face it: dental practice marketing isn’t exactly sexy and exciting. It has none of the fun that comes with marketing restaurants, clubs, tech companies, and more. It is straightforward. It is formal. It is stiff, at times, too.

Dentists often find it hard to market their practice because of a lack of knowledge of what actually works. Although there are many things you can do now to market your practice and attract client appointments, avoiding these five things should be your priority:

Trying All Social Media Platforms

You should have a website and three or four social media profiles. Other than that, everything is pretty much waste. Why is that? Signing up for all available social media platforms is counterproductive to a dental practice. No dentist in his right mind would be able to keep up with all that’s going on. The clinic’s profile page will most likely be outdated and that leads to bad SEO. Choose the platform where your customers are most likely going to look for you. That’s Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, with the latter being the most popular place for dentists to find clients.

Skipping Content Marketing

Dentists often skip posting content on their websites, thinking that no one’s interested to read about dental procedures and oral health. Investing in content marketing, however, is one of the few things you can do to help your practice get more clients. You will establish yourself as the authority in the topic, your posts will get shared, and you can help your website rank higher on Google.

Forgetting To Update Social Media

It’s one thing to sign up for Facebook and LinkedIn. It’s another thing to regularly update the profiles and make sure that the information found there are the latest about your practice and your dental practice marketing. You should update your blog posts at least once a month and you should also regularly post on Facebook and LinkedIn. You can post blog articles, links, promotions, memes, and many more.

Not Integrating a CTA

A CTA is a call to action, which is basically the action you want your web visitors to take when they chance upon your website. The problem with some websites is they don’t include a CTA, so web visitors don’t know what to do with the site. For a dental practice, the CTA is setting up an appointment, so integrate a booking system in your website.

Failure To Ask For Reviews

The biggest game-changer for every dental practice and their dental practice marketing is the reviews and recommendations left by customers on your profile page. When it comes to dental services, people are going to trust the experiences of others. They rely on these experiences to be the basis of whether they will book an appointment or not. Ask reviews from your customers and post those reviews on your site and social media pages.