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All of the technical stuff involved in any dental patient marketing strategy can be quite confusing to get through. This is a large part of why most dental practices choose to outsource their dental marketing to marketing companies that have the expertise needed to handle your marketing effectively.

One of the ways that they do this is by learning how to properly track and measure certain metrics that contribute to the success of your website’s conversions. To help you understand the process behind this, find out what dental patient marketing metrics are tracked to help improve website conversions.

Conversion rate

Of course, if you’re looking to improve conversions, you’re going to want to know how your conversion rate is looking. The conversion rate is the metric that lets you know how many people are converting on a certain page.

Whether you’re using landing pages or analyzing the different pages on your website, the conversion rate lets you know how well these pages are doing in converting users into patients and customers. Lower conversion rates in pages that are optimized for conversions need to be looked into so that you know what can be done to improve these.

Total number of visits

If you have traffic sources set up over various marketing efforts, then you’re going to want to know which ones are doing well and which ones aren’t. This particular metric lets you know which traffic source is providing your dental website with the majority of your website visits. This is an important metric to track because it allows you to determine which traffic source is providing you with the most website traffic and which ones need more work.

Top pages

If you’re working with SEO and landing pages, you’re going to want to know as well which pages are giving you the most traffic on your website. The better performing site and landing pages will give you a better idea of which marketing strategies are working for your website and which ones need to be amended.

Traffic sources

As mentioned before, understanding where your website traffic is coming from is an important part of any dental patient marketing strategy, especially if you’re looking to track your conversions. If you’ve been handling different dental marketing strategies, then you will want to know which ones have been working out for your dental practice.

Whether you’re running social media marketing, SEO, or PPC, tracking the majority of your traffic sources will tell you which marketing strategy is paying off, and which ones you might have to reconsider.